Call for Papers
The 16th annual Young Researchers’ Roundtable on Spoken Dialogue Systems (YRRSDS)
Boise State University
Boise, Idaho, USA
June 29th and 30th, 2020
Submission deadline: May 7th 2020
The 16th annual Young Researchers’ Roundtable on Spoken Dialogue Systems (YRRSDS) will be held at Boise State University in Boise, Idaho, USA (collocated with SIGdial) on June 29th and 30th, 2020.
YRRSDS is an annual workshop for graduate students, postdoctoral students, and junior researchers working on spoken dialogue systems in both academia and industry. The workshop serves as an interdisciplinary forum for creative thinking about current issues in spoken dialogue systems research and helps to create an international network of young researchers working in the field.
We invite researchers at an early stage of their career (no age limit) to submit a 2-page position paper.
This should include their past, present and future work, a short bio, and topic suggestions for discussions. Poster presentation by all participants is expected. However, posters need only present current work and not necessarily be from a published paper.
Submission topics include, but are not limited to:
- Models of dialogue: statistical, symbolic, and hybrid approaches
- Evaluation methodology for dialogue systems
- Semantics, pragmatics, and context in dialogue systems
- Incremental spoken dialogue systems
- Situated interaction with virtual and robotic agents
- Psycholinguistic influences on dialogue system design
- Establishing social relationships and engagement with the user
- Data collection and dataset sharing for statistical models
- Industry development cycles, requirements, and applications
Submission open: March 1st 2020
Submission deadline: May 7th 2020
Acceptance notification: June 15 2020
Registration open: May 1st 2020
YRRSDS 2020: June 29th-30th 2020
Looking forward to meeting you there!
Best wishes,
Jelte van Waterschoot on behalf of the YRRSDS 2020 Organizing Committee:
Maitreyee Tewari – Umeå University
Aprajita Shukla – Boise State University
Lina Brixey – USC Institute for Creative Technologies
Jelte van Waterschoot – University of Twente
Maria di Maro – University of Naples ‘Federico II’
Shikib Mehri – Carnegie Mellon University
Contact email:
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