Call: CHI PLAY 2020, 7th ACM SIGCHI Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play


7th ACM SIGCHI Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play
Ottawa, Canada
November 1 – 4, 2020 | @acmchiplay | #chiplay20

Submission deadlines:
April 7, 2020: Full Papers
July 15, 2020: Work in Progress, Interactivity, Student Game Design Competition, Rapid Communications, Doctoral Consortium

CHI PLAY is the international and interdisciplinary conference, sponsored by ACM SIGCHI, for researchers and professionals across all areas of play, games, and human-computer interaction (HCI). We call this area ‘player-computer interaction’. The goal of the CHI PLAY conference is to highlight and foster discussion on high-quality research in games and HCI as a foundation for the future of digital play. To this end, the conference blends academic research papers, interactive play demos, and industry insights.


As an ACM SIGCHI-sponsored conference, CHI PLAY welcomes contributions that further an understanding of the player experience, as well as contributions on novel designs or implementations of player-computer interactions, including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Playful interactions and new game mechanics
  • Innovative implementation techniques that affect player experiences
  • Studies of applied games and player experiences (e.g., games and play for health, wellbeing, and learning)
  • Accessible and inclusive design and player experiences
  • Advances in game user research and game evaluation methods
  • Psychology of players and typologies of games and players
  • Gamification, persuasive games, and motivational design
  • Virtual and augmented reality in games and play
  • Novel controls, input or display technologies for games and play
  • Tools for game creation
  • Innovations to advance the work of game designers and developers
  • Game analytics and novel visualizations of player experiences
  • Developer experiences and studies of developers
  • Industry case studies

CHI PLAY welcomes contributions on the effects of various technologies, software, or algorithms on player experiences. Technical contributions without impact on players or game designers and developers are not within the scope of CHI PLAY. The conference invites submissions to the following tracks: Full Papers, Interactivity, Work in Progress, and Rapid Communications. Additionally, students are invited to submit to the Student Game Design Competition and the Doctoral Consortium.


Authors are invited to submit high-quality original work to advance the field of player-computer interaction research, in 7 to 12 pages in the interim ACM SIGCHI Proceedings format, references excluded.

Important dates (all times are 23:59 Anywhere on Earth or AoE):
April 7, 2020:  Full papers submission deadline
June 5, 2020:  Reviews sent to authors
June 12, 2020:  Rebuttal deadline
June 26, 2020:  Decisions sent to authors
August 7, 2020:  Final publication-ready papers due

CHI PLAY 2020 will not make a distinction between notes and papers, but encourages authors to use the number of pages necessary, with a lower limit of 7 pages and an upper limit of 12 pages. Paper length should match the research approach and size of the contribution. References do not count towards the page limit. All papers, irrespective of length, will undergo the same review process and are evaluated against the same review criteria in terms of rigour.

All accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings published in the ACM Digital Library and will be presented at the conference with a standard speaking length.

For more information, visit


2 to 6 pages, in the interim SIGCHI format, references excluded.

Important dates (all times are 23:59 Anywhere on Earth or AoE):
July 15, 2020:  Rapid Communications papers submission deadline
August 22, 2020:  Notification of acceptance
September 3, 2020:  Final camera-ready papers due

‘Rapid Communications’ is an innovative track at CHI PLAY focusing on specific topics of interest to the community, highlighting significant work from both industry and research. We especially invite contributions from practitioners and researchers in game development, games user research, games education, gamification and PX. The track is also suitable for individuals, studios, and companies who want to showcase their work and share lessons learned from success and failure.

Rapid Communications papers are presented at the conference in a short lighting-style presentation format and an accompanying presentation of their work in the form of a poster or demonstrator. The mixed format allows authors to reach the entire audience and discuss details of their work. While Rapid Communications welcomes originality and innovation, the track is open to post-mortems, case studies, design reflections and rationals, position papers, and design tools.

All accepted Rapid Communications papers will be archived in the ACM Digital Library in in the CHI PLAY 2020 Extended Abstracts.

For more information, visit


Up to 4 pages in the interim SIGCHI format, excluding references.

Important dates (all times are 23:59 Anywhere on Earth or AoE):
July 15, 2020:  Work in Progress papers submission deadline
August 22, 2020:  Notification of acceptance
September 3, 2020:  Final camera-ready papers due

Work in Progress contributions provide a unique opportunity for authors to present reports on original yet incomplete work that seeks to advance our current knowledge in games and play through innovative or thought-provoking ideas. We encourage submissions describing late-breaking advances and work-in-progress reports from ongoing research. Submissions are evaluated on the basis of originality, innovation and contribution to the diversity of the conference program.

Work-in-Progress papers are presented as posters at the conference, and provide authors with opportunities to discuss details of their work face-to-face with other conference attendees.

Work in Progress papers are archived in the ACM Digital Library in the CHI PLAY 2020 Extended Abstracts.

For more information, visit


Up to 4 pages in the interim SIGCHI format, excluding references.

Important dates (all times are 23:59 Anywhere on Earth or AoE):
July 15, 2020:  Student Game Design Competition papers submission deadline
August 22, 2020:  Notification of acceptance
September 3, 2020:  Final camera-ready papers due

The CHI PLAY Student Game Design Competition will provide a unique opportunity for students to showcase their interactive play systems and designs. The submission provides students with the opportunity to provide a description of their game. Students will need to submit a video of their game as well as proof of student status (full-time or part-time, all levels up to Ph.D.). A jury panel will nominate the best submissions for an interactive presentation at the conference where a panel of experts chooses the winners.

Student Game Design Competition papers are archived in the ACM Digital Library in the CHI PLAY 2020 Extended Abstracts.

For more information, visit


Up to 4 pages in the interim SIGCHI format, excluding references.

Important dates (all times are 23:59 Anywhere on Earth or AoE):
July 15, 2020:  Interactivity papers submission deadline
August 22, 2020:  Notification of acceptance
September 3, 2020:  Final camera-ready papers due

The Interactivity track is an opportunity for researchers, designers and artists within the wider CHI PLAY community to showcase their work in a hands-on setting that gives conference attendees the opportunity to explore and discuss their systems. We are looking for submissions that push the boundaries of playful human-computer interaction through technical advancement, innovative interaction concepts, or stimulate artistic and critical reflection through design. Each submission to this track consists of a live artefact to be demonstrated at the conference along with an extended abstract submission that describes the system.

The Interactivity track at CHI PLAY invites submissions in two main categories, research and design. Submissions to the research category are expected to make a contribution to our understanding of how humans interact with playful technologies, which needs to be evidenced by thoroughly situating results in previous research in our field when preparing the extended abstract. Submissions to the design category are expected to provide an experience that engages conference attendees and stimulates conversation; in their abstract submission we expect authors to describe and reflect on the expected experience.

Interactivity papers are archived in the ACM Digital Library in the CHI PLAY 2020 Extended Abstracts.

For more information, visit


Up to 2 pages in the current SIGCHI format, excluding references, plus a three-to-four page appendix.

Important dates (all times are 23:59 Anywhere on Earth or AoE):
July 15, 2020:  Doctoral Consortium papers submission deadline
August 22, 2020:  Notification of acceptance
Sept 3, 2020:  Final camera-ready papers due

The CHI PLAY 2020 Doctoral Consortium provides an opportunity for doctoral students to explore and develop their research interests in games and HCI in an interdisciplinary workshop, under the guidance of distinguished researchers. We invite PhD students who feel they would benefit from this kind of feedback on their dissertation work to apply for this unique opportunity. Participants will share their work with other doctoral students as well as senior researchers in the field. The strongest candidates will be those who are at least in their second year, have a clear topic and research approach, and have made some progress, but who are not so far along that they can no longer make changes. In addition to stating how you will benefit from participation, both you and your advisor should be clear on what you can contribute to the Doctoral Consortium. In addition to their consortium contribution, accepted students will also submit and present a poster at the CHI PLAY conference.

Doctoral Consortium papers are archived in the ACM Digital Library in the CHI PLAY 2020 Extended Abstracts.

For more information, visit


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