6th EAI International Conference on Smart Objects and Technologies for Social Good
September 14-16, 2020
Antwerp, Belgium
Full paper submission deadline: 1 April 2020
Proposals for special sessions due by 5 March 2020 (see website for details)
Submissions of work-in-progress and for PhD track due by 1 May 2020 (see website for details)
By social good we refer to a “good” or a service that benefits the largest number of people in the largest possible way. Some classic examples of social goods are, of course, healthcare, safety, environment, democracy, and human rights, but we can add to this classic list even communication, art, entertainment and much more.
In this context, the popularity of portable computing devices, like smartphones, tablets, or smart watches combined with the emergence of many other small smart objects with computational, sensing and communication capabilities coupled with the popularity of social networks and new human-technology interaction paradigms is creating unprecedented opportunities for each of us to do something useful, ranging from a single person to the whole world. Furthermore, Internet of Things, Smart-cities, distributed sensing and Fog computing are representative examples of modern ICT paradigms that aim to describe a dynamic and globally cooperative infrastructure built upon objects’ intelligence and self-configuring capabilities. These connected objects are finding their way into our pockets, vehicles, urban areas and infrastructure, thus becoming the very texture of our society and providing us the possibility, but also the responsibility, to shape it.
In GOODTECHS we are hence interested in experiences with the design, implementation, deployment, operation and evaluation of smart objects and technologies for social good. Clearly, we are not considering only the so called first world as the scenario for this evolution; we also refer to those areas where ICT is currently less widespread, hoping that it may represent a societal development opportunity rather than a source for further divide.
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- Get more visibility for your paper and receive a fair review with Community Review,
- Earn credits regardless of your paper’s acceptance and increase your EAI Index for new membership ranks and global recognition,
- Find out if your research resonates – get real-time evaluation of your presentation on-site via EAI Compass.
Authors are solicited to submit original, previously unpublished papers in the following, but not limited to topic areas:
- App concepts and technologies for different mobile platforms
- Blockchain for social good
- Communication between mobile devices
- Content Distribution
- E-learning solutions
- Data collection, organization and dissemination methods
- Delay-tolerant aerial networks and ferrying approaches
- Deployment and field-testing
- Digital tools for art and feelings
- Environment sensing, monitoring and preservation
- Experimental results of communication testbeds
- Game, entertainment, and multimedia applications
- Health and social care
- Human-object interaction
- ICT for development
- Mobile service architectures and frameworks
- Mobility and handover management
- New application scenarios for vehicular communications
- Pervasive and ubiquitous services in cloud and IoT
- Platforms and frameworks for mobile devices
- Privacy issues and solutions
- Protocol design, testing and verification
- Security issues, architectures and solutions
- Smart cities and transportation
- Smart economy solutions: e-banking, e-business
- Smart governance and e-administration
- Smart living and E-health
- Technology addressing the digital divide
All accepted and presented papers will be published in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series — ICPS and made available through ACM Digital Library. The registered papers must follow the guidelines below:
- Papers should be in English.
- Regular papers should be up to 6 pages in length.
- WIP and PhD track papers should be 4 pages in length.
- Previously published work may not be submitted, nor may the work be concurrently submitted to any other conference or journal. Such papers will be rejected without review.
Proceedings will also be submitted for inclusion in other leading indexing services, Ei Compendex, ISI Web of Science, Scopus, CrossRef, Google Scholar, DBLP, as well as EAI’s own EU Digital Library (EUDL).
Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version to:
Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET) Journal (IF: 2.390)
Community Review is a service offered to Program Committees and submitting Authors of all EAI conferences designed to improve the speed and the quality of the review process.
Abstracts of all authors who opt-in to Community Review during submission will be published and available for Bidding here.
Learn more about the Community Review process
Papers should be submitted through EAI ‘Confy+‘ system, and have to comply with the ACM format (see Author’s kit section).
Full Paper Submission deadline
1 April 2020
Notification deadline
11 May 2020
Camera-ready deadline
12 June 2020
Start of Conference
14 September 2020
End of Conference
16 September 2020
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