Postdoctoral Research Assistant/Associate in
Computing the Face Syntax of Social Communication
Institute of Neuroscience & Psychology and School of Psychology
University of Glasgow
Scotland, UK
Grade 6/7
Closing date: 20th February 2020
Dr. Rachael Jack is delighted to announce the opening of a 3-year ERC-funded postdoctoral researcher position on the project Computing the Face Syntax of Social Communication at the Institute of Neuroscience & Psychology and School of Psychology at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK.
This ambitious project aims to mathematically model the human face as an algebraic generator of dynamic social signals and build a psychologically and culturally valid generative model of social face signalling that is transferrable to social robots. The project will use a multidisciplinary approach that combines social and cultural psychology with dynamic 3D structural face computer graphics, vision science psychophysical methods, and mathematical psychology. Given that project involves interdisciplinary knowledge and skills, the ideal candidate would have experience of both computational (e.g., programming) and social psychology, for example via a joint degree or research experience/interests.
The successful applicant will experience a unique and intellectually stimulating research environment within the Institute of Neuroscience & Psychology, undertake a specific programme of specialist research skill development, and contribute to progressing an internationally competitive and strategic research agenda. The applicant will have access to (1) a unique, state-of-the-art 4D structural face imaging technology and dynamic face movement generator; (2) specialist in-house training on advanced quantitative methods and statistical analyses (e.g., 4D image processing, model fitting); (3) postdoctoral communities; (4) a dedicated full-time Research Technologist specializing in 3D and 4D computer graphics; (5) a dedicated full-time computing support team who provide data storage (>5 Petabytes), high-security data management systems, high-performance equipment and software; (6) a secure on online Subject Pool (7,000+ members, 106 nationalities); (7) international collaborators; and (8) a full suite of brain imaging facilities including 7T fMRI, MEG, EEG, and TMS.
Primary Investigator: Dr. Rachael E. Jack
The successful applicant will join an internationally renowned, high performance interdisciplinary research team and receive regular, close mentorship and collegial interaction from PI Jack and other lab members via lab meetings. The successful applicant will develop and apply state-of-the-art specialist skills and knowledge of social face perception and face signalling including 3D & 4D face capture and generation, advanced MATLAB programming, lab testing booth preparation, high volume data collection, mathematically modelling 3D dynamic face signals, analyzing high-dimensional data, scientific writing, and producing high-quality data visualizations for presentations and high-profile publications. The successful applicant will also have the opportunity to present at national and international academic conferences, participate in public engagement activities, and submit their work to high-impact and specialist peer reviewed academic journals. Successful applications may also have the opportunity to work with other interested parties (e.g., social robotics designers).
Affiliate labs: The Jack lab regularly interacts with and has joint lab meetings with the following labs:
Prof. Stacy Marsella
Prof. Philippe G. Schyns
START DATE: May 2020 (negotiable)
CLOSING DATE: 20th February 2020
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