Call for Papers for the Special Issue of Human-Computer Interaction journal on:
Time and HCI
More information about the special issue:
Journal Website:
Special Issue Editors:
Amon Rapp, University of Torino
Daniela Petrelli, Sheffield Hallam University
William Odom, Simon Fraser University
Larissa Pschetz, University of Edinburgh
Proposals due: 15th December 2019
Time is a fundamental dimension of the human condition, affecting the ways we experience the world and construct our identity. In Western societies there is a strong tendency to regard time as universalized, external to human practices and independent of the individual’s subjectivity.
It comes as no surprise, then, that HCI research has traditionally viewed time as the time of the machine, paying attention to its management, scheduling, and tracking.
More recently, we have witnessed increased attention to the multiple forms of time that we encounter in our everyday life within the HCI community. For example, HCI work on aging, legacy and death relate to fundamental temporal concerns, like the desire for longevity and immortality, the relentless flow of time, the need to be remembered in the future, as well as the frailty of the material and the digital as they decay over the years. Likewise, research on personal and social memories highlights how our present is intrinsically tied to our past.
Other examples of “alternate” takes on time in HCI are represented by proposals to design for the future self, slowness, the time of consciousness and change, multi-lifespans, impermanence and cross-cultural constructions of time. In these perspectives, time can be undoubtedly “captured” by machines, but its meaning and experience is beyond direct mechanical quantification. Time becomes a phenomenon that concerns fundamental aspects of existence and a social and cultural concern.
In this special issue we focus on emerging research about how HCI might account for the experience of time as an existential, social, and cultural matter. We invite original research that explores connections between time and technology, formulating new research questions and proposing novel solutions. Critical and speculative designs are welcome if they produce new knowledge with reference to time and HCI.
We encourage submissions that include but are not limited to the following:
- Research aiming to understand aspects of human existence connected with our experience of time, like personal memories, personal change, family rituals, personal routines, life transitions and disruptions, aging, legacy, and bereavement, in order to design novel systems. Systems designed for specific time-related experiences such as lifelogging for documenting long term personal memories will be considered too.
- Design contributions that elaborate on the current HCI conception of time, such as inter-generational design, design for the distant future, design for reliving the remote past, lifelong technologies, and design for slowness.
- Novel representations and materializations of time in systems, interfaces, and material artifacts, as well as novel tools for “measuring” time or synchronizing activities with others.
- Research addressing temporal aspects of interaction in novel ways, e.g. waiting time, interruptions, timeliness, scheduling, and pace when focused on the user’s subjective experience, as well as designing for different “use of time” (e.g., for reflecting on how we spend our time online). Submissions addressing “standard problems” of time in HCI like productivity and planning must offer novel insights.
- Psychological, social, and cultural accounts of temporality in relation to technology, such as users’ perceptions of time, social practices constructing shared temporalities, “special times” such as festivities or memorial days, cultural and cross-cultural matters when designing for temporal experiences, “social media times” such as ephemerality and permanence in social media contexts
- Proposals due: 15th December 2019
- Response to authors: 30th January 2020
- Full papers due: 15th May 2020
- Reviews to authors: 1st Sept 2020
- Revised papers due: 1st Nov 2020
- Reviews to authors: 15th Jan 2021
- Final papers due: 1st Mar 2021
To help authors find a good fit, we solicit proposals. Proposals should be about 1000 words and provide a clear indication of what the paper is about. Note that you must use the template provided (
Proposals will be evaluated for relevance to the special issue theme, and feedback will be given. Both proposal and full paper submissions should be submitted to the HCI Editorial site (
Follow the guidelines and instructions for submissions on the site. There is a place on the submission site to note that your submission is for the special issue. Full paper Special Issue submissions will be peer reviewed to the usual standards of the HCI journal.
For questions about the special issue, please send mail to
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