Call: International Conference: Future Law, Ethics, and Smart Technologies

Call for Presentation Abstracts

International Conference: Future Law, Ethics, and Smart Technologies
February 20, 2020, 8 AM – 5 PM
Constitution Hall, Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania
(Building 1), Gedimino pr. 53
Vilnius, Lithuania

Deadline for submission of abstracts: November 30

While the unprecedented technological advances in information technologies, robotics, AI, and related fields in recent decades have had a number of positive effects in almost every area of human life, they have also brought significant concerns in how the rapidly growing development and utilization of smart technologies impinge on future law, ethics, and (legal) education. Some of the significant issues are, for example, machine bias in law, autonomous transportation and legal responsibility, the concept of legal personhood and AI machines, Big Data, autonomous weapons, the black box problem, machine/robot rights, and the future of (legal) education. This interdisciplinary conference aims to understand the mentioned issues more properly in their relation to the problem of how to regulate the development of smart technologies and robotics in order to increase the welfare of society without violating its fundamental values such as safety, security, and privacy. In addition, we are interested in the issue of how to educate students in order to equip them with the necessary skills for the future labor market and to prepare legal professionals for the future. To put it slightly differently, what are the main challenges at the intersection of law, ethics, (legal) education, and smart technologies concerning the problem of regulation and what are viable solutions to overcome these? In order to respond to these issues, scholars from various disciplines such as law, philosophy, social sciences, information technologies, AI, and robotics are invited to submit their abstracts of their presentations (20min & 10min discussion).


David Gunkel (Northern Illinois University, USA)
Vincent Müller (Technical University of Eindhoven, The Netherlands)


Submission of abstracts: November 30
Notification: December 15


  1. Abstract of 300 words.
  2. Title page (including name and affiliation)

Please, submit your abstracts to Prof. Dr. John-Stewart Gordon, Department of Philosophy, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania:


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