Call for Papers
I3E 2020 – The 19th IFIP Conference on e-Business, e-Services and e-Society
“Responsible design, implementation and use of information and communications technology”
6 – 8 April 2020
Skukuza, Kruger National Park, South Africa
Submission deadline: 30 October 2019
The age of digital transformation opens up exciting new avenues for design. Yet, with the ubiquitous connectedness of a digitally transformed world, come unintended, unpredictable and often adverse consequences for individuals, societies and organisations – in developed and developing contexts. Security, privacy, trustworthiness, exploitation and well-being are some of the pressing concerns resulting from new digital realities. There is need for responsible design, implementation and use of information systems (IS) based on critical awareness and ethical practices. As rightly put by Schultze (2017: 65): “As IS researchers we need to examine our own practices – including the questions we ask, the methods we deploy and theories we adopt – to understand and critically review our world-making”.
The 19th IFIP Conference (6-8 April 2020) aims to bring together contributions from a variety of perspectives, disciplines and communities for the advancement of knowledge regarding responsible design, implementation and use of information and communications technology. To this end, we invite scholars, practitioners and research students to submit and present their papers and findings to the 19th IFIP Conference on e-Business, e-Services, and e-Society to be held in April 2020 in South Africa.
Authors should submit original, unpublished research papers, not submitted simultaneously at another journal or conference. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Submissions should not be under consideration for any other conference or journal outlet. Conference proceedings will be published in a special volume of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) by Springer (TBC).
Submissions will be managed via the Easychair conference management system.
Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended and revised version of their paper for fast track review and publication in the International Journal of Information Management (IJIM) and International Journal of Electronic Government Research (IJEGR).
More Special Issues will be announced in the conference website the following weeks.
Theoretical and empirical papers describing employing quantitative, qualitative, and/or critical methods are welcomed. More specific, areas of interest include, amongst others,
Digital Business:
- Innovative e-Business models
- Disruptive technologies
- Inter-organizational systems
- Business process integration
- Business process re-engineering
- e-Marketplaces, e-Hubs and portals
- Digital goods and products
- User behaviour modelling
- User experience
- Social networks and e-business
- e-Risk management:
- e-Commerce
- Supply demand and value chains
- Mobile business
- Big data driven organizations
- Trust and security
- Internet of things
- Blockchain
- Artificial Intelligence
Digital Services:
- e-Service composition and orchestration
- e-Collaboration
- Semantic web services
- Service workflows
- Social networks and services
- Application service management
- Service oriented architecture platforms
- Virtual organisations and coalitions
- Virtual enterprises and virtual markets
- Agent-oriented e-Services
- Ubiquitous, mobile and pervasive services
- Human interfaces for e-Services
Digital society:
- e-Government (G2G, G2B, and G2C)
- Smart cities and regions
- Social networks and society
- Internet of things
- Blockchain
- Artificial Intelligence
- Open data initiatives
- e-Democracy and e-Governance
- e-Health
- e-Education
- Public e-Services for citizens and enterprises
- One-stop government & service integration
- Disaster monitoring and prevention systems
- Mobile public services
- Digital culture and digital divide
- Privacy and security
- Legal, societal and cultural issues
- Public-private partnerships
- International dimension of e-Government
- IT-Platform for public service
- Cyber safety
- Technology use for sustainable development
- Technology use for empowerment in a developing context
- Socio-economic inclusion in the digital Era
The 19th IFIP I3E 2020 Conference will be held at the Skukuza conference centre, South Africa. Skukuza conference centre is situated in the biggest rest camp of the Kruger National Park in South Africa. Skukuza Rest Camp in the Kruger National Park is a popular camp situated in the heart of Big Five territory and is easily accessed by road and air travel. Skukuza features a variety of accommodation options including camp sites, 21 furnished safari tents, semi luxury bungalows, cottages and 4 guesthouses.
Submission date: 30 October 2019
Notification to authors: 10 December 2019
Final version submission: 7 January 2020
Early bird registration: 10 January 2020
Conference Chairs:
Marié Hattingh, Machdel Matthee, and Hanlie Smuts, University of Pretoria
Conference Co-Chairs:
Yogesh, K Dwivedi, Swansea University, UK
Matti Mäntymäki, University of Turku, Finland
Programme Co-chairs and co-editors of conference proceedings:
Machdel Matthee, Marié Hattingh and Hanlie Smuts, University of Pretoria
Ilias Pappas, University of Agder & NTNU, Norway
Yogesh K Dwivedi, Swansea University, UK
Matti Mäntymäki, University of Turku, Finland
Schultze, U. (2017). What kind of world do we want to help make with our theories? Information and Organization, 27(1), 60-66.
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