Call for Papers
Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine
Special Collection on Aging and Technology
Submission deadline: Ongoing
Dear All,
I would like to draw your attention to a CFP for the Technology and Aging Special Collection in the SAGE Journal Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine (GGM):
For the aging population, technology is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, the rapid pace of development and change can make it difficult for older adults to learn new technologies, while the world’s increasing use of and dependence on smart devices and digital technologies leaves those who struggle to adapt at a distinct, isolated disadvantage. On the other hand, technologies geared specifically towards an increasing, aging population contribute to increased comfort and dignity, the ability to live at home for longer, ease with managing health issues, and even longer life. This collection examines both aspects of the topic, welcoming manuscripts that address technologies designed for older adults (gerotechnology) as well as older adults’ relationship and struggles with advancing technologies. Both clinical and behavioral approaches will be considered.
- Gerotechnology
- Security and safety, including medical alert systems
- Smart home systems such as security or thermostat
- Home health and wellness, such as systems that remind patients to take their medication
- Telehealth and telemedicine
- Technologies that assist aging adults with managing their healthcare
- Medical technologies geared specifically to conditions or diseases primarily experienced by older people
- How technology affects social engagement (i.e. keeping up with remote relatives using text or email)
- Benefits to family members and care givers (i.e. the ability to monitor security, thermostat, etc even when not present)
- Educating aging adults on new technologies
- Cognitive or physical conditions that may limit the ability to use technology
- Technologies geared towards managing and/or decelerating age-related diseases or declining abilities
- Rural Ageing, Physical Environment
- Transport (automation within vehicles, transport information provision, apps to support ride sharing, mobility as a service etc.)
- Sex, Intimacy and dating apps
- Age cohorts – Gen X, Millennial’s, Gen Z
- Intergenerational relationships
- Video Games, Gamification
- Environmental technologies (pollution apps, smart meters etc.)
The submitted manuscripts for this Special Collection will be peer-reviewed before publication.
An article processing charge may apply upon acceptance of your paper.
HANNAH R. MARSTON PhD, is a research fellow in the Health and Wellbeing Priority Research Area (H&W PRA), at The Open University, UK. To date, she has published a total of 30 journal papers, (13 as a first author), 10 book chapters, (6 as a first author) and was an editor of the Mobile e-Health book (2017). Dr Marston has an international profile, having previously worked as a research scientist on the iStoppFalls EU project in Cologne, Germany and completed a post-doctoral position at the University of Waterloo, in Canada. She currently holds a position on the National Executive Committee of the British Society of Gerontology, and has held previous positions in GSA, as the junior and senior student representative of the Membership committee and was elected to the position of Technology Chair (now Communications Chair) for ESPO in 2008-10. In May 2019, Dr Marston was invited to give a guest presentation to videogame designers, writers and researchers at Massive Entertainment, Ubisoft, Sweden, comprising of intergenerational gaming, contemporary research and areas for further development. Previously, in April 2018, Dr Marston was invited to be a keynote speaker at the International Child and Information Safety Congress “Digital Games” in Ankara, Turkey. Her PhD focused on computer gaming habits of older adults and her research interests include, gamification, health and wellbeing, rural ageing, user’s engagement (e.g. flow), perception, barriers and enablers to ICTs and videogames.
CHARLES MUSSELWHITE, is an Associate Professor in Gerontology at the Centre for Innovative Ageing (CIA) at Swansea University and heads-up the Environments and Ageing research strand. He is the Operational Director of the £3million CADR project, an initiative to develop and enhance research, policy and practice for older people across Wales. His research addresses environments of ageing including transport, mobility, housing, neighbourhoods and community and how technology can enhance these areas for people as they age. He is an Executive committee member of the British Society of Gerontology (BSG). He is also a member of the International Association of Applied Psychology and partner of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing. He has appeared on BBC TV and international radio stations on a variety of mobility and built environment topics and appear regularly on BBC Three Counties radio discussing older people’s issues. He is Associate Editor for Journal of Transport & Health and on the editorial board for Ageing and Society and Research in Transportation Business & Management journals.
We hope you will consider submitting to this special collection.
Best wishes,
Dr Hannah R. Marston
Research Fellow
Health & Wellbeing Priority Research Area
School of Health, Wellbeing & Social Care
Faculty of Wellbeing, Education & Language Studies
The Open University
Milton Keynes, UK
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