3rd Workshop on Mixed Reality for Intelligent Vehicles (MRV 2019)
Colocated with AutoUI 2019 (
September 22, 2019
Utrecht, Netherlands
Submission deadline: August 25, 2019.
With the increasing development of Augmented reality (AR), the number of its purposes and applications in vehicles rises. Augmented reality may help to increase road safety, support more immersive (non-) driving related activities, and finally enhance driving and passenger experience. AR may also be the enabling technology to increase trust and acceptance in automated vehicles and therefore help on the transition towards automated driving. Further, automated driving extends use cases of augmented and other immersive technologies. However, there are still a number of challenges with the use of augmented reality when applied in vehicles, and also several human factors issues need to be solved. Additionally, Virtual reality (VR) has the potential to simulate AR applications for HCI research. In this workshop, we will discuss potentials and constraints as well as impact, role, and adequacy of AR and VR (mixed reality, MR) in driving applications and simulations. The primary goal of this workshop is to define a research agenda for the use of MR in intelligent vehicles within the next 3 to 5 years and beyond.
In this workshop, we will discuss and exchange ideas for solutions in the four problem fields (i) Computational issues, (ii) Perception issues, (iii) Physical issues, and (iv) Cognitive issues.
Goal 1: Discuss practical usage:
First, we intend to bring up ideas on the practical usage of AR technology in intelligent vehicles. We aim to brainstorm future developments of AR/VR in the context of automated driving. Therefore, we invite experts to share their expertise and experiences with the workshop attendees. In addition, further interaction modalities in combination with AR content towards creating natural vehicle user interfaces (e.g., finger/ hand gestures, speech commands, gaze input) should be reflected.
Goal 2: Identify challenges and hypotheses:
Second, we aim to recognize a set of research challenges for the next 3-5 years and beyond. Specifically, our goal is to discuss computational, perception, physical and cognitive issues related to AR applications in vehicles, and how these challenges can be tackled. Furthermore, we propose to prioritize these challenges and AR applications and define a set of hypotheses.
Goal 3: Explore VR in AR research:
Third, we want to investigate the role virtual reality can take in the support of HCI research on AR supported vehicles. Our aim is to discuss possibilities for evaluating and comparing VR methods for lab studies, as a potential alternative of AR HMDs. For example, using virtual reality technology to simulate the applicability of AR in vehicles (CAVE, VR HMD). Our goal is to discuss possibilities for evaluating and comparing VR methods for lab studies, as a potential alternative of AR HMDs.
Goal 4: Chart research roadmap:
Finally, we aim to propose a roadmap to tackle the challenges and test some of the hypotheses. Therefore, we invite researchers exploring human-machine interaction in and around vehicles to exchange ideas related to the use of AR and VR in their work, and to start charting a path towards productive collaboration in the field. Ultimately, the intent is to create a path towards research on mixed reality utilizations and solutions for intelligent vehicles.
The target audience for this workshop are researchers and practitioners in the AutoUI/HCI community, who are interested to bring forward the field of AR and VR in driving applications. We invite researchers interested in this workshop to submit (short) reflection statements per Email to the workshop organizers.
Submissions for the workshop (not anonymous, i.e., including author names and affiliations) should be compiled using the CHI extended abstracts (EA) format. We encourage participants to submit 1-2 page reflection statements contributing to one or more of the workshop goals – see above. Successful submissions will have the potential to raise discussion, provide insights for other attendees, or illustrate problems and provide potential solutions.
Please submit 1-2 page (CHI EA format) reflection statements. Please use the template provided here:
Submission deadline is August 25, 2019.
In addition, we invite all AutoUI/HCI researchers and practitioners to indicate their general interest on the workshop by dropping us an email at This way, we’ll have the chance to reach out to an even greater community and share results and discuss our ideas, problems, and challenges.
Andreas Riegler, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
Andreas Riener, Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, Germany
Andrew Kun, University of New Hampshire, NH, USA
Joe Gabbard, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA
Stephen Brewster, University of Glasgow, UK
Carolin Wienrich, University of Wuerzburg, Germany
Please feel free to contact the organizers at any time.
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