Call for Papers
‘Toys and the TV: Serious Play’ Workshop
October 22, 2019
Barcelona, Spain
At CHI PLAY 2019
6th ACM SIGCHI Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play
Barcelona, Spain
October 22-25, 2019
Submission deadline: 5th of August, 2019
BBC R&D, Children’s BBC, IRT and ZDF are hosting a collaborative workshop titled ‘Toys and the TV: Serious Play’ that aims to bring together researchers and designers to tackle interaction design and interfaces with respect to the use of the TV by children. With the advent of connected TVs and connected toys, there is an opportunity to develop exciting novel interaction paradigms and innovative forms of user experiences around how children might view and interact with TV programmes.
We have a comprehensive website (with contact information):
This year, CHI Play workshops are being held on the 22nd of October in Barcelona, Spain:
We would like to invite practitioners, designers and researchers to submit a 2-4 page position paper (in the SIGCHI Extended Abstracts format) with a short bio by email to
In your submission, please outline a plausible use case involving connected toys while watching TV within a given context. Feel free to add illustrations or flow chats to visualise your idea. It will be considered a bonus if your idea covers an existing problem but we also look forward to hearing about novel experiences.
Your position paper should attempt to address one or more CHALLENGES encountered in making experiences for children such as (but not restricted to):
- Engagement,
- Edutainment,
- Inter-generational bonding,
- Accessibility,
- Integration with current and emergent technologies,
- Seamless on-boarding,
- Design of the toy,
- Trust & Affinity,
- Ethical considerations.
More information on the ‘suggested’ challenges (and the recommended paper format template) can be found here:
Submission deadline: 5th of August, 2019
Notification of acceptance: 31st of August, 2019
Workshop date: 22nd of October, 2019
Hope to see you in Barcelona!
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