Call: 6th Experimental AI in Games Workshop (EXAG 2019) at AIIDE 2019

Call for Participation

The 6th Experimental AI in Games Workshop
In conjunction with Artificial Intelligence in Interactive Digital Entertainment (AIIDE) 2019
October 8-9, 2019
Atlanta, Georgia

Submission deadline: July 19, 2019

Interested in games and AI? The Experimental AI in Games (EXAG) workshop aims to foster experimentation in game AI research and all forms of game development. In addition to presenting traditional academic talks and live demos of AI technology, EXAG welcomes a diverse community of researchers and practitioners with activities including a show-and-tell demo and gameplay session.

The sixth workshop on Experimental AI in Games is being held Oct. 8-9 in Atlanta, GA in conjunction with the AIIDE 2019 conference.

The call for participation is included below.


  • In keeping with this year’s AIIDE theme, we specifically invite papers and systems that introduce novel methodologies for evaluating intelligent systems for digital entertainment. We also encourage all authors to consider human-centered evaluation methodologies in their submissions.
  • New technology or tools made possible by AI-anything from roguelike Unexplored‘s procedurally-generated dungeons and puzzles to stealth game Third Eye Crime‘s visualization of AI logic.
  • New games and related projects powered by academic research, e.g., Sure Footing and Bad News.
  • Better living through AI-improving the game development and design process via new or newly applied AI techniques, from intelligent design tools to automated QA.
  • AI in physical/embodied play environments.
  • AI in support of mixed-initiative co-creative play.
  • New applications of traditional AI techniques, e.g., Left 4 Dead’s drama manager or Black and White’s learning creatures.
  • Cross-pollination from AI subfields not typically involved in games-anything from computational linguistics to machine vision.
  • Case studies on the provenance of widely adopted technologies that were once considered experimental, e.g., the history of behavior trees.
  • Reports on failed experiments related to any topic in our purview with a particular focus on how others can learn from your experience.
  • Not sure if your topic is a fit? Drop us a line!


EXAG 2019 will be accepting five types of submissions:

  • Full Papers (5-6 pages, excluding references): Regular papers submitted for oral presentation. These will be incorporated into the proceedings and presented as 20-minute talks during paper sessions.
  • Short Papers (1-4 pages, excluding references): Short papers describing a position, project, or proposal related to any topic of interest to the workshop. These papers will be incorporated into the proceedings and will be presented as 10-minute talks during paper sessions.
  • Demonstration Papers (1-2 pages, excluding references): Very short papers describing demonstrable systems that will be showcased in a show-and-tell session. These papers will be incorporated into the proceedings and will be presented during the demo session.
  • Provocation Papers (1-2 pages, excluding references): Very short papers describing thoughts and grievances with the field of game AI broadly, especially as they relate to the special topic of human-centered evaluation. These papers will be incorporated into the proceedings and will be presented as 5-minute talks during a lightning session.
  • Industry Case Studies (1 page): Given the success of the track in previous years, we hope to again solicit one-page papers by industry practitioners, specifically focused on briefly outlining their applications of experimental AI in the game industry. These papers will be included in the proceedings, and the contributions will be highlighted by 5-10 minute talks in a special track of the workshop.


Please make your submissions at our EasyChair site. Papers must follow the AAAI format and must be anonymized for double-blind review.


EXAG will be held on October 8-9, 2019, colocated with the 2019 Artificial Intelligence in Interactive Digital Entertainment (AIIDE 2019) conference at Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA.

October 8-9, 2019

Submission deadline: July 19, 2019
Acceptance notification: August 16, 2019

Submission deadline: TBD
Acceptance notification: TBD


EXAG 2019:
AIIDE 2019:


We want to make EXAG the friendliest experience that we can. If you have any questions or comments, please get in touch with us:


Duri Long
Co-Organizer, EXAG 2019
Human Centered Computing PhD Candidate
Georgia Institute of Technology


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