Call: iLRN’s State of XR and Immersive Learning Expert Panel

Call for Nominations/Self-nominations

iLRN’s State of XR and Immersive Learning Expert Panel

Deadline for expressions of interest: July 1, 2019

iLRN’s State of XR and Immersive Learning project (see combines a systematic review and synthesis of the scholarly evidence and knowledge base on extended reality (XR) and immersive learning with a Delphi-inspired environmental scanning and forecasting exercise in the vein of the well-known NMC (now EDUCAUSE) Horizon Report. Planned for release in early 2020, the inaugural State of XR and Immersive Learning Report is being produced by iLRN in collaboration with the IEEE ICICLE XR for Learning and Performance Augmentation SIG, EDUCAUSE, and the Consortium for School Networking. The sponsors of the inaugural Report include Adobe, Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks Corporation, HP, SpringboardVR, Unity Technologies, and zSpace.

iLRN is seeking nominations of, and expressions of interest from, both scholars and practitioners working in XR and immersive learning to serve on the Expert Panel for the inaugural Report. We aim to assemble a balanced, international group of academic and industry thought leaders, visionaries, and innovators representing the full span of learning from K-12, through higher education, to workplace, community, and lifelong learning. The goal is to bring together diverse voices from across the education and training community as well as from business and industry to: (a) survey the extant research and knowledge base on “what works” in XR and immersive learning; (b) consider trends and challenges impacting or likely to impact the field; and (c) highlight priority areas that warrant further exploration, investigation, and development.

We are especially looking for panelists who have substantial experience leading cutting-edge projects and pioneering initiatives in the XR and immersive learning arena. We are also interested in panelists who actively write, speak, or otherwise contribute to the ongoing public discourse concerning future directions for the use of virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality, and other related technologies for supporting and enhancing learning. If you fit this description and are willing to participate, we invite you to indicate your interest by filling out the form at no later than July 1, 2019.

Should you know of colleagues who would be appropriate, you may also use the form to nominate them. Additionally, please feel free to share this call with others you feel are qualified to serve on the Expert Panel.

Important: Service on the Expert Panel will require a time commitment of approximately 16 hours in total over the period July–October 2019. The Expert Panel activities will be carried out entirely online, so no travel is required. They include suggesting and reviewing/vetting materials and examples, engaging in asynchronous discussions, and voting on topics. The project team will use the outputs of these activities as the foundation for developing the report, to be published as an open-access publication under a Creative Commons license in early 2020. No remuneration is available for Expert Panelists, but they will be credited in the finished report.

Inquiries regarding the State of XR and Immersive Learning project should be directed to the project leader, Mark J. W. Lee, at


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