Call: Designing Serious Location-based Augmented Reality Games – ICEC-JCSG 2019 Workshop

Call for Papers

Workshop on Designing Serious Location-based Augmented Reality Games
Held as part of the IFIP International Conference on Entertainment Computing & Joint Conference on Serious Games (ICEC-JCSG 2019,
Arequipa, Perú
November 11-15th 2019

Paper submission deadline: July 1, 2019


In recent years, the popularity of location-based Augmented Reality (AR) games has increased significantly. For example, 2013 Ingress generated a hype that was surpassed by 2016 Pokémon GO with an even larger player base. From a didactical perspective, location-based AR games, which encompass Ingress and Pokémon GO, have a number of characteristics that make their use as learning tools very appealing: location-based AR games guide learners to real objects on location and supplement these objects with information to be learned. One of the principles supported is the contiguity principle: learning effects are reinforced by the temporal and/or spatial combination of object and information. Further principles of multimedia learning, such as signaling (i.e. the insertion of additional clues) can also be implemented with the help of location-based AR games. Location-based AR games are also suitable as social interaction triggers for collaborative learning settings, such as the joint development of learning content in groups or for making decisions and achieving goals as a team.

In this workshop we intend to focus on the benefits of location-based AR games for purposes beyond entertainment, especially for learning. We would like to foster a discourse about the specific contexts in which location-based AR games are most valuable learning tools, based on the debate of mobile and con-text-based learning. Further, we would like to outline design guidelines that en-sure a balance between serious purpose and fun when developing and using serious location-based AR games. Fun is to be seen as an essential part of achieving high user engagement. At the same time, however, it must also be ensured that the serious purpose can be adequately achieved. These two poles of fun and serious purpose create a dynamic field in which the design of serious location-based AR games has to take place. Further, inclusive design plays a key role in enabling users with disabilities to enjoy augmented game experiences.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Design frameworks for AR games
  • Lessons learnt from creative AR applications
  • Reuse of entertainment AR games in serious application contexts
  • Characterization of serious application contexts of AR games
  • Design of accessible AR applications
  • Guidelines for the design of didactic scenarios using AR games
  • Assessment of didactic scenarios using AR games and integration into ex-isting learning curricula and learning infrastructure
  • Case studies of serious AR games
  • Content provision for AR games
  • Analyses of AR game mechanics and their transfer to serious AR games
  • Technical infrastructure for AR games
  • Multiplayer scenarios and their game mechanics
  • Gamification of location-based Augmented Reality Games
  • Learning patterns in AR-driven social contexts
  • Ethical issues of AR games

All submitted papers will undergo a thorough peer-review process by the workshop program committee. Accepted papers will be published as part of the official ICEC-JCSG 2019 conference proceedings by Springer in their LNCS series. At least one author of accepted submissions has to register and present at the ICEC-JCSG 2019 workshop.


Papers must be submitted in the Springer LNCS format ( All submissions must be written in English and be submitted via EasyChair ( The length of submissions has to meet 4 pages exclusive references. Attendance at the workshop is certainly also possible without submitting an own submission.


  • Workshop paper submission deadline: July 1, 2019
  • Workshop paper submission acceptance notification: July 20, 2019
  • Camera-ready deadline for paper submissions: August 1, 2019
  • Early-bird Registration: August 10, 2019
  • Workshop Date: November 11th, 2019


  • Heinrich Söbke (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Weimar, Germany)
  • Jannicke Baalsrud Hauge (Royal Institute of Technology, Södertälje, Sweden and Bremer Institut fur Produktion und Logistik (BIBA) an der Universität Bremen, Bremen, Germany)
  • Ioana Andreea Stefan (Advanced Technology Systems, Targoviste, Romania and the Romanian Advanced Distributed Learning Association, Bucharest, Romania)
  • Antoniu Stefan (Advanced Technology Systems, Targoviste, Romania)


currently being requested


For further information about the workshop contact Heinrich Söbke:



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