Call: The International Conference of Experience Design, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (XD2019GoldCoast)

Call for Papers

The International Conference of Experience Design, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (XD2019GoldCoast)
14 – 16 August 2019
Gold Coast, Australia

Submission deadline: April 19, 2019

The International Conference of Experience Design, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (XD2019GoldCoast) will be hosted by the Griffith Centre for Design and Innovation Research (CDAIR) at Griffiths Gold Coast campus.

The three-day conference brings together an international community of scholars and practitioners around the 2019 theme of “Exploring and Enhancing Experience” in relation to design, innovation and entrepreneurship in:

Architecture | Artificial Intelligence | Brand | Business | Communication | Computing | Data Science | Education | Engineering | Environment | Finance | Health | Information | Interaction | Media | Marketing | Management | Manufacturing | Policy | Product | Psychology | Robotics | Service | Sport | Space | Supply Chain | System |Technology | Tourism | Wearable


  • world-leading keynote speakers from academia and industry
  • a cross-disciplinary conference building bridges across expertise
  • full paper (3,000–5,000 words) and short paper (1,500–2,000 words) submissions
  • research track for innovative ideas, methods and findings
  • industry track for applied knowledge, skills and techniques
  • know-how workshops featuring progressive and pioneering industry skills and technologies
  • creative workshops featuring innovative thinking processes, tools and techniques
  • the beautiful Gold Coast, with easy access to Cairns (Great Barrier Reef) and the greater Queensland


  • Lena Belin, Director of Community Insights, Capability Building, Queensland Public Service Commission
  • Sean Chiu, Design Director, Alibaba and Executive Vice President, Lazada
  • Philip Gerrans, Professor, Department of Philosophy, The University of Adelaide
  • Richard Goosens, Professor and Chair, Department of Industrial Design, Delft University of Technology
  • Kunpyo Lee, Chair Professor and Dean, School of Design, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • Chee Peng Lim, Professor and Associate Director (Research), Institute for Intelligent Systems Research and Innovation, Deakin University



We welcome any paper types including: conceptual, empirical, methodological, professional papers, as well as critical literature reviews and case studies. We are also open to any research approaches and contexts as far as the paper has a clear research question to address and reports results that can make some significant contribution relevant to the conference theme of “Exploring and Enhancing Experience”.

You are invited to submit either a full paper (3,000–5,000 words excluding abstract and references) or a short paper (1,500–2,000 words excluding abstract and references).

A paper can have a sole author or multiple authors, yet each paper must have a different lead presenter at the conference.

All papers submitted to the XD2019GoldCoast Conference must be fully anonymous and have not been previously published.

The deadline for all submissions is Friday 19 April 2019.


We welcome workshop proposals that are relevant to the conference theme of “Exploring and Enhancing Experience” and aim to deliver either a know-how workshop featuring progressive and pioneering industry skills and technologies or a creative workshop featuring innovative thinking processes, tools and techniques.

Each workshop will last 90 minutes.

You are invited to submit a workshop proposal (800–1,000 words excluding references).

A proposal can have a sole presenter or multiple presenters, yet each presenter must register to attend the conference.

Presenters of each workshop will be asked to provide a workshop results report summarising the general issues, topics, debates, slides and/or photographs of their workshop after the XD2019GoldCoast Conference has been completed.

The deadline for all submissions is Friday 19 April 2019.


Please see


14-16 August 2019 | Conference dates
Friday 19 April 2019 | Paper submission deadline
Friday 19 April 2019 | Workshop proposal deadline
Friday 10 May 2019 | Notification of acceptance
Friday 14 June 2019 | Camera-ready paper submission
Friday 14 June 2019 | Camera-ready workshop outline submission
Friday 14 June 2019 | Registration of presenters


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