Call: Brain correlates for Human-Virtual Agent Interaction – IVA 2019 Workshop

Workshop at IVA 2019
Brain correlates for Human-Virtual Agent Interaction
At ACM International Conference of Virtual Agents,
July 2nd 2019
Paris-6 University, Paris, France

Submission deadline: 8th May

Keywords: cerebral activities in human-human and human-machine interaction, neurophysiological data, brain-computer interfaces, virtual agents.


There is a longstanding tradition of research on the relationships between language, cognition and the human brain. Until recently, however, investigations in this domain were limited to studying language production or comprehension in talkers individually exposed to highly controlled linguistic material. Over the last few years, major advances have been simultaneously accomplished in language sciences, computer sciences (and more precisely human-agent interaction), cognitive sciences and neurosciences, which have brought us on the verge of a new research paradigm. These advances now make it possible to explore language and the brain in the context in which they both primarily develop, i.e. social interactions. A better understanding of the brain correlates of humans’ interaction with natural and artificial agents, in particular their commonalities and differences, will enable the IVA community to explore different questions such as objective evaluation methods of the interaction, real-time detection of brain activity, automatic adaptation of the virtual agent’s behavior based on user’s cerebral activity, etc.

The objective of the workshop is to gather research studies on the cerebral activity related to interaction. We do not limit the workshop topic to human-virtual agent interaction, considering also works on human-human interaction that could be relevant to a better understanding of user’s experience during an interaction with a virtual agent:

  • Cerebral underpinnings of interactions (human-machine, human-human and human-environment)
  • Cerebral underpinning of interactions with artificial agents (robots, virtual agents) in different environment: virtual reality, mixed reality, augmented reality, etc.
  • EEG, fMRI, MEG for studying interaction with virtual agents
  • Brain computer interfaces for interaction with virtual agents
  • EEG in virtual reality
  • New methods for investigating interaction in ecological context


In order to encourage exchanges between participants, the workshop will consist in a general poster session, plus an invited speaker and a discussion panel, aiming at a synthesis of the different research studies, and discussions focusing on the perspectives of the domain.


Participants are invited to submit short papers (2 pages, excluding references) describing either research works or ongoing projects work related to the topics of the workshop. Paper format details can be found at

Papers should be submitted via the EasyChair system at At least one author of each accepted paper will be required to attend the workshop to present their work.


May 8th: Submission deadline
May 31st: Deadline for notifications sent to authors
June 2nd: Camera ready copies due
July 2nd: Workshop


Marc Cavazza – University of Greenwich
Maureen Clerc – BCI-Lift project lab, Inria Sophia Antipolis
Fabien Lotte – Potioc team, Inria Bordeaux Sud-ouest
David Sanders – University de Genève
Philippe Schyns – Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging, University of Glasgow
Noel Nguyen – LPL, ILCB, Aix-Marseille University
Thierry Chaminade – INT, ILCB, Aix-Marseille University
Philippe Blache – LPL, ILCB, Aix-Marseille University
Magalie Ochs – LIS, ILCB, Aix-Marseille University


For any question, contact:
Magalie Ochs:


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