Open call: The (Virtual) Reality Museum of Immersive Experiences
The (Virtual) Reality Museum of Immersive Experiences showcases projects originally designed for large-scale immersive environments in a VR simulation that is true to the physical manifestation of these systems. These systems include 360 degree panoramic and hemispherical projection screens, stereoscopic 3D multi-view installations and a number of spatial and experimental video installations. Situated in a large warehouse, the 3D museum is freely navigable and its many exhibits are open for interactive exploration.
Immersive display and interaction environments and systems have been utilised in simulation, visualisation, entertainment, the arts and museological context for a long time before VR made its resurgence only a few years back. Applications and experiences created for a specific platform rely on the complex and costly technical infrastructure they were originally designed for. Descriptions and video documentation only go so far in illustrating an immersive experience. The embodied aspect, the emotional engagement and the dimensional extend, central to immersion, is mostly lost in translation. The idea behind this project is to provide a framework to showcase and for the conservation and preservation of immersive experiences and architectures outside specialised facilities and labs.
Open Call:
The VR Museum is intended as an open platform to increase the reach of immersive experiences outside specialised facilities and labs. Subject to responses, curated exhibitions focusing on cultural heritage, art, research, visualisation or industrial applications are possible. If you would like to participate with a project for any of the featured immersive platforms (iDome, fullDome, 360 degree and semi-circular cylindrical environments, …) , please get in touch. Currently only linear experiences, in form of a video (preferably in stereoscopic 3D), are supported.
You can download the VR application for HTC Vive, Oculus Rift or Windows Mixed Reality headsets from the Steam portal:
Please get in touch for a free download key.
Kind regards,
Volker Kuchelmeister
Research Fellow Immersive Visualisation, UNSW Experience and Empathy Lab
Senior Lecturer
UNSW Art & Design, Sydney
Paddington Campus
Paddington, NSW 2021
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