Screen Tourism and Affective Landscapes (edited book)
Edited by Christina Lee and Erik Champion (Curtin University)
Proposals due by: April 5, 2019
We are soliciting contributions for an edited book that will explore the affective landscapes – both real and imaginary – in screen tourism.
Screen tourism is a burgeoning global industry whereby tourists visit locations that are featured in or are associated with film and television texts (e.g. filming locations, theme parks, the creator’s former abode). This simultaneously niche yet mainstream market has now extended the bucket list of travel destinations to include the likes of Westeros (Dubrovnik, Game of Thrones), Middle-earth (New Zealand, The Lord of the Rings), and Platform 9¾ (London, Harry Potter).
The book will explore how affective landscapes in screen tourism are sights/sites of transformation, play and possibility. It will broach a spectrum of topics, ranging from the tourist’s/fan’s affective response to place, to the strategic design of ventures to enhance the experiential through creating senses of place and narrative. The book will further advance discussions of the future potential of the industry (e.g. use of mixed/augmented reality).
Screen Tourism and Affective Landscapes will be a comprehensive collection of essays by international scholars and screen tourism practitioners, opening up a space for dialogue between the academy and industry. This interdisciplinary book will be informed by fields including cultural studies, tourism studies, media studies, cultural heritage and visualisation studies.
Possible areas of research include (but are not limited to):
- narrative and affective landscapes
- liminal spaces
- embodied experiences
- themed experiences and places
- augmenting place through technology
- modes of reality
- (popular) cultural heritage and authenticity
- the screen tourist’s gaze
- fandom communities and engagement
Chapters are expected to be approximately 6000–7500 words. Please ensure proposals address the notion of ‘affective landscapes.’
Proposals should be sent by email (in a Word document) to the Editors by April 5, 2019. This should include an abstract (250 words) and a short contributor bio (one paragraph including institutional affiliation, position and recent publications). Please note that the submission date for accepted papers is October 4, 2019.
Contributors, please address all inquiries and proposals to: Dr Christina Lee (
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