Call for Participation
“Designing Interactive Olfactory Experience in Real Context and Applications”
TEI 2019 Studio
Arizona State University, USA
Sunday March 17th, 2019
Deadline for one page abstracts: March 5th 2019
Dear all,
Are you interested in smell interactions? Would you like to explore how olfactory experience could be integrated in real context and applications? Join our studio on TEI 2019 “Designing Interactive Olfactory Experience in Real Context and Applications“.
We are calling up researchers/interaction designers who are interested in smell interactions, whose research/professional background is related but not limited to interaction design, service design, game design, interactive technology etc. The studio will address the design approach of integrating interactive olfactory experience with real contexts and applications by using toolkit, design prototyping & sketches, case studies.
STUDIO DATE: Sunday March 17th, 2019
STUDIO VENUE: AME FabLab, Arizona State University, USA
Register our studio at TEI website: And email us ( a one page abstract by March 5th 2019. The One page abstract should include your motivations to attend the studio, your background and a brief writing on how you plan to integrate the interactive olfactory design to your own study/work/research/project.
- Please apply as soon as possible to get the early bird discount rate for the studio (register before March 3rd).
- Your attendance will be confirmed only after registration is completed.
For more details, please check out:
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to let us know. We would love to hear from you. Hope to see you at TEI ’19 studio.
Kind Regards,
Yan Yan CAO & Mei Kei LAI
TEI 19′ Interactive Olfaction Studio Organizers
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