Call for Full Papers, Short Papers, Posters, and Demos
5th Immersive Learning Research Network Conference
iLRN 2019
June 23th – June 27th, 2019
London, UK
Full papers submission deadline: February 15th, 2019 (Extended)
Short papers submission deadline: February 15th, 2019 (Extended)
Posters and Demos submission deadline: February 15th, 2019 (Extended)
Join the growing network of immersive learning experts and practitioners from across the disciplines in exciting London for iLRN 2019! The 5th Annual International Conference of the Immersive Learning Research Network will be an innovative hands-on and scholarly meeting for an emerging global network of developers, educators, and research professionals collaborating to develop the scientific, technical, and applied potential of immersive learning. Workforce trainer, higher education, and K12 practitioners are also invited to participate in iLRN 2019.
ILRN’s annual conference provides an intensive face-to-face opportunity for the emerging immersive learning professional community to collaborate and create the future of immersive learning and planting seeds of innovation locally in the education, technology, and entertainment sectors. ILRN conferences offer knowledge exchange and collaborative opportunities in scientific presentation streams, poster sessions and panels complemented with hands-on demonstrations and immersive local conference experiences. The iLRN Conference is, itself, designed to be an immersive learning environment making great use of the physical location and stocking it with immersive learning experiences across the Augmented and Virtual Reality spectrum. We seek members of the iLRNetwork, itself, to propose Workshops and Special Tracks throughout covering emerging topics and trends relevant to the community.
- Special Tracks and Workshop proposals deadline:
October 15th, 2018 (extended) - Notification of acceptance Special Tracks and Workshops:
October 29th, 2018 - Full papers submission deadline: February 15th, 2019 (Extended)
- Short papers submission deadline: February 15th, 2019 (Extended)
- Posters and Demos submission deadline: February 15th, 2019 (Extended)
- Author notification of acceptance (full papers): March 1st, 2019
- Author notification of acceptance (long/short papers, posters): March 1st, 2019
- Camera-ready deadline (full papers): April 1st, 2019
- Camera-ready deadline (short papers and posters):April 1st, 2019
- Author registration deadline (full papers): May 6th, 2019
- Early registration deadline for long/short papers and posters: May 6th, 2019
- Main Conference, Special Tracks and Workshops: Monday June 24th – Thursday June 27th, 2019
- Pre-Conference Social Event: Sunday June 23rd, 2019 (optional)
Select to present in either the Research or the Community strand…
iLRN 2019 Call for Papers
Call for Papers (General Track):
The Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN) invites original, heretofore unpublished research papers for submission to be presented and published at iLRN 2019 in London, UK. The iLRN General Track is open for any theme, topic, or research problem related to immersive learning, although research submissions related to the conference research theme of Immersive Learning in Urban Environments will be preferentially considered. All contributing papers must undergo a rigorous double-lind peer review process. Accepted papers will be included in the online conference proceedings volume, depending on the overall quality and track chair’s decision, either as long paper (10 – 12 pages) or as a short paper (6 – 8 pages). High quality contributions will be included as full papers (14 pages) in Springer’s Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) conference proceedings series volume.
Topics of interest in the context of immersive environments for the main conference include (but are not limited to):
- Immersive Technologies, Systems and Devices
- Mixed Reality Immersive Learning Spaces
- Cognitive and Pedagogical Analysis
- STEM Education including gender-specific approaches
- Cultural and societal aspects of immersion
- Learning and Training Applications
- Games and Gamification
- A Glance into the Future: Innovations, Challenges and Applications
- Art and Creativity
- Immersive Science
For more information about the Main Track please visit
Call for Papers Special Tracks:
Special Tracks are specialized, self-organized groups of immersive learning researchers gathering within the iLRN Conference venue to share and create a forum for quality scientific research. Proposals representing all specialized areas are welcome, but a priority will be given to those that emphasize some aspect of the conference special call/theme. All contributing papers must undergo a rigorous double-blind peer review process. Accepted papers will be included in the online conference proceedings, depending on the overall quality and track chair’s decision, either as long paper (10 – 12 pages) or as a short paper (6 – 8 pages). High quality contributions will be included as full papers (14 pages) in Springer’s Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) conference proceedings series volume.
iLRN 2019 Accepted Special Tracks:
- Immersive and Engaging Educational Experiences
- Immersive Medical Education
- Platforms for Digital Heritage and Preservation
- Designing with Gesture and Interactivity for XR
- Reshaping Learning for All in Immersive Learning Environments through Creative Learning Design
- Wearable Technology Enhanced Learning
- Competences for Software Engineering and their Role in Software Engineering Education
- iLELA / Immersive Learning Experiences in Later Age
- Data Visualization and Engaging Science (DataViz & Science)
- The Future of Education
For more information about the Special Tracks please visit
Call for Papers Research Posters:
The Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN) invites Research Poster presentations to present new ideas, first preliminary findings and work-in-progress to receive feedback from the community. All contributing posters must undergo a rigorous double-blind peer review process. Accepted research posters will be presented in special poster sessions. Additionally, an extended abstract (2 pages) will be published in iLRN’s online proceedings volume.
For more information about Research Posters please visit
Practitioner Posters:
The Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN) invites Poster presentations to present exciting activities and ideas taking place in schools, industry training, higher education and other scenarios. These are not expected to present research results, but rather to inspire participants to pursue new uses of immersive learning in their own practice. All submitted posters will undergo an editorial assessment of its contribution to further the practice. Accepted practitioner posters will be presented in special poster sessions. Additionally, an extended abstract (2 pages) will be published in iLRN’s online proceedings volume.
For more information about Practitioner Posters please visit
Workshops provide a venue for hands-on exploring and discussing emerging research directions, immersive learning applications, and particular foci within the immersive learning community – with more active participation and less formality than other tracks. The topics of the proposed workshops should be aligned with those set forth in the Call for Papers of the main conference, however, format and content of each workshop is to be determined by its organizers. Preference will be given to workshops whose format includes high quality interaction with the audience. Examples include tutorials, learning to develop in a particular immersive technology software package, Q&As, scenario building, trend analyses, debates, panels, or even a competition or a challenge around an interesting and realistically sized dataset (possibly released by the workshop organizers for that purpose). All proposed workshops must undergo a rigorous double-blind peer review process. If accepted, an extended abstract (2 pages) will be published in iLRN’s online proceedings volume. For more information about Workshops please visit
Breakout Panel Sessions:
Conference Breakout Panels organize expert opinions on a topic in a short amount of time. Breakout Panels usually consist of between 3 – 5 experts discussing a specific topic or challenge and moderated by a session chair. These sessions are intended to engage the audience and are, thus, more open and interactive than traditional presentations by design. Because panelists often take different perspectives and offer different solutions to problems, these sessions are great for public conversations on issues that are common to many audience members. All proposed breakout panels must undergo a rigorous double-blind peer review process. If accepted, an extended abstract (2 pages) will be published in iLRN’s online proceedings volume.
For more information about Breakout Panel Sessions please visit
Demos & Hands-on Opportunities:
Demos and Hands-on opportunities give attendees at iLRN 2019 the chance to try immersive learning experiences first-hand! iLRN Demos & Hands-on opportunities are semi-structured, informal events for you to engage with conference goers, showing them the particulars of your research, product, or gear. These sessions are intended to engage the audience and are, thus, more open and interactive than any other iLRN presentations, by design. iLRN is interested in giving attendees a substantive, meaningful experience with a variety and breadth of immersive learning platforms. Please note that preference for these sessions will be given to: (a) authors of accepted papers and invited Featured Speakers; and (b) the Demos & Hands-on opportunity proposals determined to be the most compelling and interactive by the iLRN Conference Committee.
For more information about Demos and Hands-on opportunities please visit
Product Showcase:
What’s your Immersive Learning product or ware? iLRN is the preeminent place bringing researchers, artists, programmers, developers, teachers, and designers together to focus on immersive learning. This year in London, you have the unique opportunity to engage with members of this specialized expert “immersive learning” community and showcase your products. iLRN 2019 is also a way for researchers applying immersive technology in urban environments to showcase their technology within the London metropolis. All accepted Product Showcase applications will receive a highly visible, accessible location outfitted with a table and outlet. Note that all members of each Product Showcase team must pay a full conference registration in addition to the showcase fee (depending on requirements).
For more information about Product Showcases please email
Roundtable Discussions:
Invite ILRN Conference attendees to sit down and discuss research trends, challenges, key findings and ideas in the emergent field of immersive learning. Suggest a topic of discussion, and set the guidelines for interaction in this engaging and interactive context. Some potential topics include:
- Brainstorm or gain perspective on your emerging immersive learning research project
- The explosion of immersive technologies and how to categorize/catalog everything
- History of immersive learning and where to go next
- History of immersive learning in urban environments and where to go next
- History and evolution of programs, degrees, and curricula involving immersive learning
- Curricula for graduate and undergraduate immersive learning programs
- Foundations, roots, and genealogies of the field
- New and evolving instructional and learning theories in immersive learning
- Publishing processes, genres, and venues
- Core competencies, skills, and responsibilities of immersive learning professionals
- Early and mid-career advice and entering the job market
- The culture of the immersive learning professoriate
- The work/life balance
For more information about Roundtable Discussions please visit
Questions about how to best present your research or propose your immersive learning project at iLRN 2019: London? Please email for more details.
- Selected high quality papers from the main track and from the special tracks will be selected to be published as full papers in Springer’s Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) conference proceedings series (see also; the acceptance rate for the Springer proceedings will be approximately 35 % of the submitted papers. CCIS Springer Proceedings are indexed [widely]
- The remaining accepted contributions will be published in iLRN’s online proceedings volume with individually linked DOIs and an overall ISBN number. Please note that this proceedings volume is published by the publishing house of the Graz University of Technology (Austria) and is not yet indexed by SCOPUS. Previous years’ proceedings are available online at:
- Further, a select number of manuscripts published in either of the proceedings volumes will be invited to submit an extended version of their conference papers for publication in a special issue of the Journal of Educational Computing Research (Social Sciences Citation Index. Journal Citation Reports impact factor 2016: 0.678). A special issue for extended versions of conference papers centering on Technology & Computer Science has also been proposed to a JCR-indexed journal.
Conference Organization
- General Chair – Michael Gardner, University of Essex, UK
- Scientific Chair – Christian Gütl, Graz University of Technology, Austria
- Engagement Chair – Jonathon Richter, Salish Kootenai College, USA
For details on other committees please visit:
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