Call: Conversational User Interfaces Conference (CUI) 2019

Call for Papers

Conversational User Interfaces Conference (CUI) 2019
August 22nd-23rd 2019
Dublin, Ireland

Full paper submission deadline: March 15, 2019


Through the commercial success of intelligent personal assistant devices such as Alexa and Google Home, to the growth of the use of chatbots in commercial settings, the number of language and conversation based interactions is growing. Developing from successful workshops at both ACM CHI and ACM Mobile HCI, the CUI conference looks to bring together researchers and industry representatives interested in human centered issues in the field of speech and text based conversational and language based interfaces. The conference aims to be a leading venue to present work related to human-machine conversation, broadly defined.


CUI will be a 2 day, single track conference, held in the heart of Dublin, Ireland.

The conference welcomes cutting edge human centered contributions in the areas of, but not limited to: voice user interfaces, conversational interaction through technology, text based conversational interfaces, chatbots, speech interfaces, speech synthesis, speech recognition, dialogue management, conversational interface design insights, speech interface theory development, methods for conversational user interface development and evaluation.


Cosmin Munteanu (University of Toronto Mississauga)


Full Paper – 4~6 page papers in ACM SIGCHI Proceedings format:
These will be high quality original pieces of research relevant to the topics above. Each will be peer reviewed by 3 expert reviewers and, pending confirmation, archived in the ACM Digital Library.

Provocation Papers – 2 pages in ACM Extended Abstract format:
These will be highly quality papers on controversial, risk taking or nascent ideas with the emphasis on potential to spark debate and discussion at the conference. These will be juried and, pending confirmation, archived in the ACM Digital Library.

Showcase Track:
This track will showcase work from leading journals and conferences over the past 5 years (2014-Present) relevant to the conference. Authors from these papers will be asked to submit details of their paper to be presented (title, abstract, author list, presenting author, link to published paper). These will be assessed for importance, impact and relevance to the conference. Accepted showcase papers will be given an oral presentation slot at the conference.


Full Papers:
March 15th- Paper submission deadline
April 29th- Notification to authors

Provocation Papers:
May 3rd- Paper submission deadline
May 21st- Notification to authors

May 3rd- Submission deadline
May 21st- Notification to authors

All submission should be submitted through EasyChair-


Benjamin R Cowan (University College Dublin)
Leigh Clark (University College Dublin)


Full Paper: Julie Berndsen (University College Dublin); Martin Porcheron (University of Nottingham)
Provocation Papers: Jens Edlund (KTH Stockholm)
Showcase: Matthew Aylett (Cereproc); Eva Szekely (KTH Stockholm)


Joel Fischer (University of Nottingham)
Stuart Reeves (University of Nottingham)
Cosmin Munteanu (University of Toronto Mississauga)
Christine Murad (University of Toronto Mississauga)
Marguerite Barry (University College Dublin)
Ilaria Torre (Trinity College Dublin)
Emer Gilmartin (Trinity College Dublin)
Stephan Schlogl (MCI Management Center Innsbruck)
Maria Wolters (Edinburgh University)
Joao Cabral (Trinity College Dublin)
Sebastien Lemaguer (Trinity College Dublin)
Kate Hone (Brunel University)
Michael McTear (Ulster University)
Vincent Wade (Trinity College Dublin)
Pat Healy (Queen Mary, University of London)
Roger Moore (Sheffield University)
Martin Halvey (Strathclyde University)


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