Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking
Virtual Reality Interventions for Health and Well-Being in the Elderly
Deadline for Submissions: May 1, 2019
*Submitting Authors: Please indicate in your Cover Letter that your paper is for the VR in the Elderly Special Issue.
Loneliness is pervasive among older adults. Feelings of loneliness contribute to an increased risk in developing dementia, and a higher risk of heart disease, stroke, and death. By 2030 the United States will have more residents over 65 than children. This figure indicates a growing reliance on our local and national system of caregivers, healthcare providers, and senior communities, placing stress on the clinical and social infrastructure needed to support older adults.
To meet these growing needs, VR technology is rapidly expressing itself as an integral tool. The majority of studies using VR Interventions for seniors have focused on treatment and rehabilitation, but exciting new translational research is beginning to move towards prevention.
We have not yet begun to fully explore all the possible uses of VR in healthcare. For this special issue, we are interested in clinical studies that have shown significant and unique advantages using VR interventions to improve quality of life in older adults. The focus of papers should not be on the technology, but rather validated clinical outcomes and, where applicable, significant economic benefit.
We are seeking high-quality original articles on the following topics related to interventions for:
- Mental, Social and Emotional Health
- Cognitive Rehabilitation
- Physical Rehabilitation
- Gait Training
- Cognitive Training
- Assessment of Daily Living Skills
- Physical Risk Assessment and Prevention
- Shared Virtual Worlds
The deadline for manuscript submission is May 1, 2019. Please submit your papers online to our web-based manuscript submission and peer-review system.
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking is the premier peer-reviewed journal for authoritative research on understanding the social, behavioral, and psychological impact of today’s social networking practices, including Twitter, Facebook, and internet gaming and commerce. Highly regarded as the go-to source in the field, the Journal has been at the forefront of social networking and virtual reality for over 20 years. It is known for its rapid communication articles and in-depth studies surrounding the effects of interactive technologies on behavior and society, both positive and negative.
Visit our website to read about the journal and to view a sample issue.
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