Call: “Human-Machine Communication: What Does/Could Communication Science Contribute to HRI?” An HRI 2019 Workshop

Human-Machine Communication: What Does/Could Communication Science Contribute to HRI?

A Workshop at HRI 2019, the 14th Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction
Daegu, Korea
March 11-14, 2019

HRI 2019:

Submission deadline: February 1, 2019


In the discipline of Communication Science, human-machine communication (HMC) has recently emerged as a new context of study. Although historically focused on human communication, communication scientists also (increasingly) examine processes of (a) message production, reception, evaluation, and effects, (b) construction and negotiation of meanings, and (c) coordination of action between humans and digital interlocutors, which may include social robots, artificial intelligence agents, and human-robot assemblages (e.g., cyborgs, machine-augmented persons, and actor networks).

Although both HRI and Communication Science often trace their origins to the transdisciplinary cybernetics of the 20th century, they have since developed in relative isolation, with scant scholarly exchange concerning the similarities and differences in their assumptions, insights, and approaches. In the meantime, their basic models of the communication process, theoretical frames, and methodological innovations have evolved in different directions that are newly relevant to one another as robots become increasingly human-like, social, and communicative. Yet, the relatively rare intersections of Communication Science and HRI in recent years have been tremendously productive and generative for both fields.


This half-day workshop will feature invited talks from a submission process and a moderated group session. For the invited talk portion of the workshop, participants will be invited to submit brief papers and then present to the group. Each speaker will be given an allotted amount of time to present their work. In the moderated group session (a “birds of a feather” session), workshop participants will be divided into groups based on their area of focus so that they can discuss shared aspects of their research. Each small workshop group will have an organizer as a facilitator to lead the discussion of communication theory as it relates to research agendas. The “birds of a feather” session will be highly interactive. At the conclusion of the workshop, each group will present a summary of the ideas discussed and future meetings will be explored.


We invite potential participants to submit a paper for the workshop about using communication-related theories/methods in HRI studies (no longer than five pages using the IEEE/HRI template). Submissions can range from theory position arguments to studies that demonstrate the use of communication science theory in the HRI context. Participants with selected papers will be asked to present their work to the workshop with an 8-minute talk. All papers will receive at least two peer reviews from those familiar with both communication science theory/method and HRI studies.



Feb 1: Papers Due to Organizers
Feb 10: Notification of Acceptance
March 11: Workshop


9:00 – 9:15 am  Introduction to Workshop
9:15 – 10:30 am  Presentations of Accepted Papers
10:30 – 10:50 am  Coffee Break
11:00 – 11:40 am  Presentations of Accepted Papers
11:40 – 12:30 pm  “Birds of a Feather” Breakout Sessions
12:30 – 13:00 pm  Conclusion and What’s Next?


Chad Edwards, Western Michigan University
Autumn Edwards, Western Michigan University
Jihyun Kim, University of Central Florida
Patric R. Spence, University of Central Florida
Maartje de Graaf, Utrecht University
Seungahn Nah, University of Oregon
Astrid Rosenthal-von der Pütten, RWTH Aachen University


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