Call: CHI 2019 Workshop on ‘The Future of Work’

Call for Participation

CHI 2019 Workshop on ‘The Future of Work’
Glasgow, UK
May 4/5

CHI 2019:

Submissions due: February 12, 2019

In this one-day workshop, we invite scholars, designers, developers, policymakers and provocateurs to explore the implications of innovations in technology for the future of work and its intersection with the CHI community.

Discussion and activity will be focused on the production of outputs (research questions, opportunities for innovation, insights) to be used as a resource in HCI research and design. These will be disseminated via the workshop website and an Interactions article.


We invite submissions of up to 2,000 words, which articulate their importance to discussions on the future of work. Submissions can be primarily visual but should be accompanied by a description of their relevance, and may include any of the following:

  • A thought-piece, description of research, design fiction, or analysis of ethics or policy;
  • A design concept, prototype or experience, illustrated through photography, video or similar;
  • A novel method or tool.

Submissions should be sent by email to At least one author of each accepted submission must attend the workshop. All participants must register for the workshop and for at least one day of the conference. Submissions will be made available on the workshop webpage.


12 February 2019: Submissions due
1 March 2019: Notifications of acceptance
4/5 May 2019: Workshop held in Glasgow, UK


Siân Lindley, Microsoft Research, UK
Noopur Raval, University of California, Irvine, USA
Hamed S. Alavi, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Silvia Lindtner, University of Michigan, USA
Ding Wang, Microsoft Research, India


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