Call for Papers
Ludo2019 – Eighth European Conference on Video Game Music and Sound
April 26th – 28th
Leeds Beckett University
Leeds, West Yorkshire, UK
Paper proposals due: February 15th, 2019
We are excited to announce that Ludo2019, the Eighth European Conference on Video Game Music and Sound, will take place April 26th – 28th at Leeds Beckett University.
Please share our Call for Papers poster online and around your institutions.
The organizers of Ludo2019 are accepting proposals for research presentations. This year, we are particularly interested in papers that support the conference theme of ‘Implementation and Preservation’. We also welcome all proposals on sound and music in games.
Proposed papers might be presented as part of planned sessions on:
- Archiving and preserving game sound
- Retro musical aesthetics in modern games
- Approaches, implications and effects of implementation systems for game audio
- Musical meanings: players’ interpretations and perceptions of music during gameplay
- Playing (with) game music in game music cultures
Presentations should last twenty minutes, to be followed by questions. The conference language is English. Please submit your paper proposal (c.250 words) plus provisional bibliography by email to by February 15th 2019.
Practitioners and composers may submit proposals to present work. We also welcome session proposals from organizers representing two to four individuals; the organizer should submit an introduction to the theme and c.200 word proposals for each paper.
The conference will feature James Newman (Bath Spa University) as keynote speaker, who is co-founder and curator of the National Video Games Archive, author of Videogames (2004/2013), Playing with Videogames (2008), 100 Videogames (2007), Teaching Videogames (2006) and A History of Videogames (2018).
And more to be announced…
Hosted by Richard Stevens (Course Director, MSc. in Sound and Music for Interactive Games; School of Film, Music & Performing Arts)
Organized by Melanie Fritsch, Michiel Kamp, Tim Summers & Mark Sweeney. | #ludo2019
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