Call for Papers
“Geographies of Digital Games”
Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting
April 3-7 2019
Washington DC
Organisers: Nick Rush-Cooper (Newcastle University, UK) and Emma Fraser (Manchester University, UK)
Abstracts due by Thursday October 18th, 2018
Computer, video, mobile and digital games are fundamentally geographical: They are sites of social relation, spaces of exploration and agency, cultural and political representations of places, affective experiences and are developed through globalised and globalising technologies and networks.
This session welcomes geographers, digital scholars, creative practitioners, and others who are approaching games as spatial phenomena. Though games have been used as geographical field sites and case studies for some time, this session will provide an opportunity to bring together diverse empirical and theoretical responses to games and to focus on the specific geographies and spatialities of games.
Suggested topics:
- Games as social spaces
- The embodied, affective and non-representational aspects of games and game playing
- The global economic and labour geographies of the games industry
- Agency and subjectivity in game-playing
- Games as sites of political representation and agency
- Game-making as creative research method
Please send abstracts of no more than 250 words to and by Thursday October 18th
Note 1: Presenters who are accepted will need to be registered for the conference & have submitted their abstract to the AAG by October 25th. We will respond promptly to ensure you can submit by this deadline.
Note 2: This is a geography disciplinary conference. However we very much welcome anyone researching the spatialities of games. Please do contact us if you have any questions.
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