[Lightly edited by ML]
Call for Papers
International Journal of Culture Technology
IJCT (International Journal of Culture Technology) aims to be the most comprehensive international journal on the various aspects of culture technology and its applications. IJCT provides a chance for academic and industry professionals to present recent progress in the area of culture technology. The goal of this journal is to bring together the research results from academia and industry to share ideas, works, problems and solutions related to the multifaceted aspects of culture technology. Authors are invited to submit original papers in all areas related to culture technologies and their applications. Topics include, but not limited to, the following areas: Digital Contents, Foundation/Source, Performance/Exhibition, Culture Service, Advanced Technology, Humanity/Social Science, Art/Design, and Convergence Technologies. etc.
1. Digital Contents
- VR & AR: Augmented reality, Virtual reality, Mixed reality, Multiple realistic space implementation, industry adaptive VR
- Game: Massive on-line game based on virtual world, Game for welfare promotion, Immersing cinematic reality game, Game utilization in culture
- Convergence Contents: Senseware, Smart contents, Edu-Contents
- Media: Animation CG, Digital cinema
2. Foundation / Source
- Contents Design: Storytelling, Contents production pipeline
- Graphics: Physical engine, Rendering, 3D stereoscopic, Motion graphics, Hologram
- UX-based Interface: User experience, Action recognition
- Social Media: Social media analysis and utilization
- Data Management: Data retrieval for culture contents, Data collection and analysis for culture contents, DB modeling for culture contents, DBMS for culture contents
- Sound & Music: Sound technology and music technology
3. Performance / Exhibition
- Performance Technology: Technology of cutting edge of performance, Massive performance technology
- Exhibition Technology: Advanced implementation technology, Digital exhibition technology
- Crafts Technology: Traditional material modernization, production technology modernization
- Traditional Music Technology: Modernization of traditional music, Advancement of traditional musical instruments, Populizing traditional music
4. Culture Service
- Cultural Heritage Technology: Culture enjoyment support technology, Restoration technology of original form
- Tourism Service Technology: Evaluation model of tourism resources, Characterization technology of tourism factor, Awareness raising of tourism R&D, Construction of tourism R&D support system
- Sports Service Technology: u-sports care service, sports service marketing, sports service information, sports image/video analysis, virtual sports
- Library Technology: Journal publishing technology, Repository technology
- Museum Technology: All museum technologies including exhibition and preservation technology
- Copyright Technology: Copyright protection & usage technology, Detection technology of copyright infringement, Management of copyright-works distribution
5. Advanced Technology
- Machine Intelligence: Intelligent technology applied to culture technology, new AI technology
- IOT & Big Data: IOT & Bigdata technology applied in culture technology, new IOT & Big Data technology
6. Humanity / Social Science
- Culture & Technology in Humanity: culture and technology related with humanity study
- Culture & Technology in Social Science: culture and technology related with social science study
7. Art / Design
- Culture & Technology in Art: culture and technology related with art
- Culture & Technology in Design: culture and technology related with design
8. Convergence Technologies
- All convergence technologies not limited to a specific field
Please see http://ijct.iacst.org/#PaperSubmission
If you have any question for the journal or its conference, please contact the Editor-in-Chief at ijct@iacst.org
IJCT is not for sale, but is freely distributed to members of the IACST (International Association for Convergence, Science and Technology) and relevant institutions. We publish IJCT 4 times every year. Individuals or Institutions, who wish to subscribe this journal, please contact the editorial office through e-mail (ijct@iacst.org).
IJCT is published by International Association for Convergence Science and Technology
Editor in Chief: TaeSoo Yun, Ph.D.
Publisher: PyeoungKee Kim, Ph.D.
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