Call: AISB 2019: Artificial Intelligence, Imagination and Invention

Call for Symposia, Workshops and Tutorials

Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation for Behaviour
AISB 2019: Artificial Intelligence, Imagination and Invention – A[I]3
April 16th to April 18th 2019
Falmouth, Cornwall, UK

Deadline: 1st of October 2018


Dear Colleagues,

We are hosting the AISB annual convention in Falmouth, UK and are looking for people/groups interested in organising symposia, workshops or tutorials as part of one of the oldest running AI conventions.

The Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation for Behaviour (AISB) is soliciting proposals for symposia, workshops and tutorials to be held at the AISB 2019 convention.

The longest running convention on Artificial Intelligence, AISB 2019 will be held at the Falmouth University, chaired by Tanya Krzywinska, Rob Saunders, Swen Gaudl and Edward Powley. As in the past years, AISB 2019 will provide a unique forum for presenting cutting-edge research and burning issues around all areas of AI. The theme for this year is “Artificial Intelligence, Imagination and Invention”.


The convention will run from April 16th to April 18th 2019 and consist of parallel symposia, workshops and tutorials. Symposia will typically span half a day or one day; where the number of high-quality submissions is high, a symposium will last more than one day. Workshops and tutorials will typically run for half a day. We welcome and encourage synergies among multiple symposia: where relevant, and depending on the number of submissions, symposia may be merged for a more efficient use of locations.

This year, the AISB introduces the annual “John Barnden Best Student Paper Award” to be awarded at the convention. Each symposium organiser will nominate a student paper from their symposium. The AISB committee will then selects the best student paper and presents the award.

Participants are encouraged to stay for the entire convention, and attend plenary keynotes and common social activities. One day registration fees will however be offered. Remote participation via video is discouraged unless full virtual participation can be arranged and full attendance fees paid. Organisers are otherwise offered considerable leeway in the structure of their meetings, but they are required to both provide and conform to a published schedule to facilitate movement between symposia. Symposia can include any type of event of academic benefit: talks, posters, panels, performances, discussions, demonstrations, outreach sessions, etc. Workshops and tutorials should focus on practical outcomes, either through collaborative or instructional activities.


Each symposium is organized by its own programme committee. The chairs of that committee propose the symposium, define the area(s) and structure, issue calls for abstracts, papers, demos or other forms of submission they deem appropriate, manage the process of submission review and selection, and compiles an electronic copy for inclusion in the convention proceedings. Because this is a considerable responsibility, we encourage there to be at least three organisers for each symposium.

The exact topic, call, and duration of the symposiums must be negotiated with the convention organising committee and approved by the AISB committee. Relevant topics include, but are not limited to:

  • AI and Digital Games
  • AI for Artistic Practices
  • AI for Digital Humanities and Social Sciences
  • AI, Sensors and Virtual Reality
  • Human-Robot Collaboration
  • Human and Machine Creativity
  • Computational Intelligence
  • Machine Learning and/or Knowledge Representation
  • Simulation of Human and Animal Behaviour
  • Computational Biology
  • Modelling Cultural Evolution
  • Machine Ethics

Space is at a premium and we wish to keep registration costs low, consequently cognate symposium proposals may be encouraged to merge. Proposers are welcome to submit-or otherwise be involved with-more than one proposal. Proposers (and attendees) need not already be members of the AISB and will not be required to become members but will have the opportunity to join should they wish to.

Organisers interested in holding a symposium, workshop or tutorial at AISB 2019 are invited to submit a Proposal including:

  • A symposium title.
  • A 300-1000 word description of the scope of the symposium and its relevance to the convention, along with the nature of the academic events (talks, posters, panels, demonstrations, etc.).
  • The organising committee (names, affiliations, contact details).
  • Mention of whether the symposium is intended as a sequel to a symposium at a previous AISB conference, and if so how it will relate to or extend from previous meetings (saying “more of the same” is fine if prior editions have been successful, but improvements are welcome).
  • Description of submission format: e.g., by abstract, extended abstract or full paper.

In addition, please include:

  • Your preferences about the intended length of the symposium as a number of days (half a day to three days), together with a brief justification, including the number of anticipated presentations and other participants.
  • A description (up to 500 words) of any experience you have in organizing academic research meetings (it is not a requirement that you have such experience).
  • Names and affiliations of invited speakers that you have in mind for the symposium.
  • If possible, names and affiliations of the preliminary programme committee (please indicate whether they have agreed, even provisionally.)

If successful, a Call for Papers (CfP) should be released as soon as possible after notification and promoted by the individual symposia chairs. These CfP will be circulated by the AISB to members in late October. Typically submission deadlines are late December; acceptance / revision requests are normally notified by February.

The format of submissions is defined by the organisers of individual symposia, but all final papers and abstracts for the proceedings should conform to the AISB style, available from the AISB website. Chairs or individual authors may decide to publish their papers in an archival format; proceedings will have an ISSN provided by AISB, but may contain a mix of abstracts and full papers as suits the publication needs of the individual symposia or their authors.


  • Deadline for symposium proposals: 1st October 2018
  • Notification to proposers of accepted symposia: 15th October 2018
  • Notification to authors by symposia of accepted papers: 15th February 2019
  • Final papers delivered for the (online) proceedings: 20th March 2019
  • Convention 16th-18st April 2017. There may be a day of workshops or tutorials immediately before the convention (April 15th 2019).

Completed proposals should be submitted to the committee via EasyChair using the URL:


Falmouth University (Pennskol Aberfal) is a creative multi-arts institution specialising in teaching and research for the creative industries. The University is situated on two campuses, one in the picturesque harbour town centre of Falmouth and the new campus in the town of Penryn overlooking the bay area. From Falmouth, major local attractions are accessible, including the Eden Project, the Lost Gardens of Heligan and a multitude of beautiful gardens, historical towns, countryside walks and stunning scenery, which presents opportunities for organised trips. To maximise the possibility for attendees to enjoy Cornwall, the convention is run around the Spring Bank Holiday, which will allow researchers to engage with the convention and take advantage of the early warm weather that Cornwall typically enjoys.


Swen Gaudl
MetaMakers Institute
Falmouth University

AISB 2019 website:


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