Call: Critical Robotics – Exploring a New Paradigm (NordiCHI 2018 Workshop)

Call for Papers

Critical Robotics-Exploring a New Paradigm Workshop
10th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (NordiCHI 2018)
Oslo, Norway
Sunday September 30, 2018

Submission deadline: August 10, 2018

Critical Robotics-Exploring a New Paradigm is a workshop held at the 10th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (NordiCHI) in Oslo, Norway, on Sunday September 30, 2018. We invite you to participate and submit a position paper.

In recent years, we have witnessed a rise in voices advocating more human-centered and holistic approaches in research on robotic technology. Towards this end, the adoption of broader perspectives and the exploration of critical questions related to the design and study of these technologies in everyday life have become increasingly pressing. In this workshop, we aim for researchers and industry experts to experience hands-on approaches to explore how we can address critical human-centered perspectives in robotic research and whether critical questions within the area of Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) could be considered a new emerging paradigm: critical robotics. In this workshop, we invite researchers to jointly explore critical robotics as a new paradigm. We invite all researchers who are interested in actively connecting with holistic perspectives of societal needs and practices, and want to consider how we as researchers engage in and communicate potential robotic solutions compared to alternative solutions and perspectives.

In order to be admitted to the workshop, write a 2-4 page position paper following the SIGCHI Extended Abstract (

We are interested in reflections and projects concerning critical perspectives on robotic solutions, such as:

Stakeholder and user perspectives:

  • User empowerment (versus obliged use?)
  • Digital citizenship
  • Teaching practices
  • Care practices (private use versus professional use, e.g., work equipment, independence versus isolation?)

Values and norms:

  • Ethics of care
  • Virtue ethics
  • Ethics and stakeholder perspectives
  • Policy
  • Discrimination

Research norms and practices:

  • Human-oriented research
  • User-centred design
  • Critical design
  • Value sensitive design
  • Participatory design
  • Sociology
  • Anthropology
  • Media and communication studies

Relevant questions that the participants may address in their submission are, e.g.:

  • How, and to what extent are users/stakeholders involved in the design of HRI?
  • How do current research and methods within HRI research approach the topics of virtue ethics and ethics of care (within the design process, or otherwise)?
  • To what extent are the social consequences of HRI considered (for digital citizenship/user empowerment)? Digital citizenship is a term frequently used in policy circles and among regulators to denote the use of technology to enhance civic capacities among the adult population and to ensure responsible technology use among children.How can the concept of digital citizenship be applied in the HRI field and what implications does it have for robot design? Today, it seems to be the case that citizens in general hold unrealistic beliefs about robots and their capabilities.
  • What societal expectations are we as researchers encouraging by the robotic solutions we propose and endorse? How do the robotic solutions we create influence governmental policy setting, and how can we consider the risks associated with unsubstantiated policy setting that may negatively impact society?
  • When it comes to pressing issues of technology and risk management (e.g., safety and privacy), which ethical considerations should be taken into account when thinking about robot design? And how can we ensure that these are actually reflected upon by commercial developers of technology (industry stakeholders)?
  • How do industry stakeholders think about ethical design? How might these attitudes be reflected in their advertising campaigns for new robots? What can the marketing-related messages reveal about the virtues embedded in commercial robot design?

All submissions should be sent to: with the email subject title Submission NordiCHI2018 WS09 on August 10, 2018 at the latest.

Conference webpage:
Workshop webpage:


Workshop position papers submissions deadline: August 10, 2018
Final notification of acceptance for position papers: August 17, 2018
Date of workshop: September 30, 2018


Sofia Serholt, PhD
Chalmers University of Technology
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Interaction Design
Hörselgången 4
412 96 Gothenburg, Sweden


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