Call for Papers
When Robots Think.
Interdisciplinary Views on Intelligent Automation
November 14–16, 2018
Münster, Germany
Submission deadline for talk abstracts: July 31st
Submission deadline for poster abstracts: August 15th
In Western societies, we are surrounded by artificially intelligent systems. Most of these systems are embedded in online platforms like Facebook. But embodiment of AI, be it by voice (Siri, Alexa, Cortana) or by actual physical embodiment (as in the case of robots) give artificially intelligent systems another dimension in terms of their impact on how we perceive these systems, how they shape our communication with them and with fellow humans and how we live and work together. The purpose of the conference is to bring together some of the best national and international researchers to discuss and evaluate the state of the art of intelligent automation and its impact on individuals and society. To achieve this goal, the conference is divided into five sections:
Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science
The aim of this section is to provide an overview and a clarification of the concept of artificial intelligence from the point of view of computer science. Important questions to be dealt with, amongst others, are the following ones: What are the foundations of artificially intelligent systems? What are the potentials and what are the (current) limits of the power of AI? What are the “grand challenges” in developing AI systems and how are these challenges approached?
Artificial Intelligence and Psychology
Since embodied artificially intelligent systems enter everyday life, humans will not anymore “operate” technology, but live, work and drive with autonomous systems making joint decisions and negotiating responsibilities. It is therefore necessary to address the question of whether and how humans perceive these systems as “social” and react “socially”. In addition, the question arises whether we change in the ways in which we communicate with fellow humans when we increasingly communicate with artificially intelligent systems and tune our communication style to match their restrictions (computer talk).
Artificial Intelligence and Society
In this section, the view shifts from individual human-technology-interaction to the impact artificially intelligent systems have on society. Import questions in this section are the following ones: How does intelligent automation influence production and markets? How does our society change with the introduction of autonomous cars, companion robots and smart homes? Where does society welcome intelligent systems and in which fields do developers and researchers experience reactance and why?
Artificial Intelligence, Philosophy and Theology
This section will deal with philosophical and theological questions concerning both the nature and essence of Artificial Intelligence and its impact on human persons. On the one hand, it will analyse the very concepts of intelligence, superintelligence, embodiment and the nature of consciousness to elaborate a framework in which to discuss questions concerning the ontological status and power of artificial intelligence. On the other, questions concerning the relation between theology and technology and their impact on anthropological and religious worldview will be discussed and critically reflected. Questions to be discussed include the following ones: Do AI systems possess phenomenal consciousness? Should we be afraid of superintelligent AI? What is intelligence anyway? Could we transfer our consciousness on a computer (mind-uploading)? Will the digitalisation of society lead to utopian or dystopian futures? What is the relation between faith in God and the ethics of digitalization? Can AI be integrated into a theological account of the modern world?
Artificial Intelligence and Ethics and Law
The last session deals with ethical and legal questions concerning the development, distribution and use of artificially intelligent systems. The ethical questions addressed in this section range from moral judgements in and about AI systems to responsible innovation. Moreover, questions concerning the development of artificially intelligent systems that are involved in decision-making processes are discussed as well as questions concerning the need to change our legal frameworks to integrate AI-systems
We invite researchers from all disciplines to actively take part in the conference. Hence, we open a call for abstracts in three formats:
Poster session:
Authors submit a poster abstract of up to 500 words outlining their work. Abstracts are subject to light blind peer-review. Submission deadline is July 31st. Presentation takes place during the poster session on Wednesday 14th.
Short Talk – Empirical & Technical Track:
Authors submit a talk abstract of up to 2.000 words (excluding references) presenting a technical advancement or an empirical study that is within the scope of the conference as outlined above. Submission deadline is the 31st of July. Abstracts are subject to blind peer-review. Acceptance depends on novelty and quality of the work and scientific rigor. Presentation takes place during the Short Talk sessions (10 min talk + 5 min Q&A).
Short Talk – Philosophy & Ethics Tracks:
Authors from the fields philosophy, theology, or ethics submit a talk abstract of up to 1.000 words (excluding references) outlining their work. Abstracts are subject to blind peer-review. Acceptance depends on novelty and quality of the work. Presentation takes place during the Short Talk sessions (20 min talk + 10 min Q&A).
Proceedings of the conference will be published in form of an edited book. Invited speakers will contribute a book chapter with overarching reviews covering their work and the state of the art in their field regarding the conference theme. Authors of accepted posters and short talks are invited to contribute to the proceedings by extending their abstracts.
July 31st submission deadline talk abstracts
August 15th submission deadline poster abstracts
August 31st acceptance notifications
November 14th-16th conference
Please direct your questions regarding the Call for Papers and submissions to:
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