Call for Papers
“Human Computer Interaction in Education” a special issue of Multimodal Technologies and Interaction (ISSN 2414-4088)
Guest Editors:
Dr. Omar Mubin, Western Sydney University, Australia
Dr. Mohammad Obaid, Uppsala University, Sweden
Submission Deadline: 28th June, 2018
Technology-enabled education and pedagogy has, in recent times, gained ascendancy due to the advancements in digitisation and the overall acceptance of blended forms of learning. Learning mechanisms driven by technology (MOOCs, tablets, smart devices, social media, intelligent artefacts) provide a number of overarching benefits to the learner’s experience (such as engagement, proficiency, ease of use, profiling and customisation). Gradually, the mediation between teacher, student and technology has extended beyond 2D mediums to 3D and physical embodiments such as humanoid robots and agents. With the uptake of such novel forms of interaction both in the classroom and at home, several key questions are now being raised related to their effectiveness, particularly due to saturation, technical considerations, cultural differences, ensuing isolation of the teacher and learner distraction amongst others. Therefore, in order to discuss these and many other similar interesting viewpoints; in this Special Issue we call for submissions related to the entire spectrum of educational technology, specifically related to the design, implementation and evaluation of such forms of digital advancements.
- Educational Robots
- Educational Technology
- Inclusive Educational Technology
- HCI In Education (HCI Curriculum)
- STEM Learning
- Novel Interaction Methods and Techniques for Education (VR/AR, Robots, Mobile Computing, Tabletops, NUI’s, Haptics and Tangible artifacts)
- User studies/case studies/Reflections on Educational Technology
- Overview or survey articles on Educational Technology
- HCI related aspects in Blended Learning and other digital mediums such as social media
- Serious Games (for Education)
- Adaptive Educational Technologies
- Educational Technology from a Teacher/Tutor/Instructor Perspective
Details on the online submission procedure are outlined at
For Multimodal Technologies and Interaction (ISSN 2414-4088), there is currently no article processing charge for articles submitted in 2018. For more details visit:
For scientific advices and for any queries please contact the guest-editors:
- O (dot) mubin (at) westernsydney (dot) edu (dot) au
- mohammad (dot) obaid (at) it (dot) uu (dot) se
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