Call: Workshop on Intelligent Conversational Agents in Home and Geriatric Care Applications

Call for Papers

Workshop on Intelligent Conversational Agents in Home and Geriatric Care Applications
Held in conjunction with Federated AI Meeting (FAIM)
14th-15th of July, 2018

Submission Deadline: May 15, 2018

Communication is of crucial importance in home and geriatric care. Caregivers are expected not only to facilitate information, guidance and instruction, but also to interact as trustworthy companions of caretakers. In the light of the fact that more and more individuals are increasingly in need of home and geriatric care, ensuring adequate service for all has become a societal challenge. With the increasing maturity of verbal and non-verbal communication understanding and generation technologies, knowledge-based dialogue management techniques, external knowledge acquisition, and virtual character and robot design, questions regarding the use of intelligent conversational agents in home and geriatric applications has become increasingly important. At the same time, the home and geriatric care context implies specific technical and ethical challenges with respect to language, social behaviour, data and knowledge management, etc. An increasing number of research initiatives address these challenges. The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers working on different aspects of intelligent conversational agents and related fields, practitioners who deploy such agents in the context of home and geriatric care applications, and critical users, who can report about their experience with the use of conversational agents within these applications. Apart from cutting edge technical submissions, contributions that address the challenge of the use of agents in home and geriatric care from the ethical perspective are welcome. The topics of interest include, but are not restricted to:

  • Specifics of the home and geriatric care context for conversational agents
  • Ethical challenges in home and geriatric care applications
  • Design of intelligent conversational agents for home and geriatric care applications
  • Personalized agent embodiments
  • The use of virtual and augmented reality techniques in home and geriatric care applications
  • Personalized knowledge and data management in conversational agents
  • Knowledge modelling in conversational agents
  • Question answering techniques for conversational agents
  • Semantic data fusion and reasoning for multimodal interaction with elderly
  • Dialogue management for highly unpredictable conversation shifts
  • Adaptation of the language style and vocabulary of conversational agents to a targeted user
  • Emotional behaviour of conversational agents in emotionally charged contexts
  • Multimodal interaction strategies in conversations with elderly
  • Conversational agent interaction with mentally challenged users


We invite full (8 pages) and short (4 pages) papers, with an unlimited number of pages for references. Submissions must conform with the ACM proceedings style guidelines, be in PDF format and anonymized to facilitate the double blind reviewing process. The submission site will be opened shortly.

To encourage inclusiveness and the presentation of speculative and recent work, inclusion in the conference proceedings is optional. The author’s preference should be indicated with the final submission.


15 May 2018: Submission deadline
25 May 2018: Notification of acceptance
31 May 2018: Early registration deadline
15 June 2018: Final versions due


Elisabeth Andre, University of Augsburg
Timothy Bickmore, Northeastern University
Stefanos Vrochidis, Information Technologies Institute, Thessaloniki
Leo Wanner, ICREA and Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona




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