Call: Affect, Interfaces, Events (AIE 2018)

Call for Papers

Conference on Affect, Interfaces, Events (AIE 2018)
August 29- 30, 2018
Aarhus, Denmark

Deadline for submissions: April 16th, 2018

The proliferation of digital and interactive technologies in most aspects of our daily lives produces an intensified distribution of affect. Existential conditions change through affective interface foldings of bodies, subjectivities and technologies. The conference Affects, Interfaces, Events investigates how affective interface events on a micro- and macro-level reinforce or challenge these changes. A major concern of the conference is to consider interface modulations on an affective, social, aesthetic, and political level. We welcome contributions (papers, designs and other interventions) that consider the affective relations involved in interface events and creations. Themes may include but are not limited to:

  1. New perspectives on the relations between discourse, power relations, and the affective and signaletic material of networked data, media and audio-visual culture.
  2. Considerations of online affective encounters.
  3. Considerations of how interfaces participate in affect modulation and how their changing configurations might alter conditions.

Confirmed speakers:
Brian Massumi
Erin Manning
Andrew Murphie
Susanna Paasonen

Please submit a proposal containing your full name, e-mail address, institutional and disciplinary affiliation, the title of your paper and an abstract of max. 300 words to Deadline for submission is 16 April 2018. We are aiming for paper presentations around 20 minutes. Suggestions for panels, practices and other activations are welcome. Responses will be sent out by the end of May 2018.

Additional information:

PhD seminar:
August 28th 2018
Hosted by the PhD school of Arts, Aarhus University

Skovgaardsgade 3-5
Aarhus C, Denmark

200,- € (incl. all materials, meals and conference dinner)


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