Call for Papers
Human-Work Interaction Design 2018 (HWID’18) – Designing Engaging Automation
5th IFIP WG 13.6 Working Conference
August 20-21, 2018
Aalto University, Espoo, Finland
In continuation with the series of the Human Work Interaction Design working conferences, the fifth edition will take place in Espoo, Finland, on the 20th and 21st of August, 2018. The venue is the brand new School of Arts, Design and Architecture building in Aalto University, Otaniemi campus.
Full paper submission deadline: April 15th (extended)
Poster submission deadline: April 30th
Acceptance notifications: May 11th
Early bird registration deadline: May 31st
Conference: August 20-21, 2018
This year’s theme is Designing Engaging Automation. While we do not exclude other aspects of work analysis and designing interactions for work contexts, we encourage authors to share especially their research on human aspects in workplace automation in the 2018 edition of HWID conference.
Interaction design for work engagement has lately started to gather more attention, especially in designing tools for employees. Work engagement takes usability of interactive systems to the next level by providing employees pleasurable and meaningful experiences via the tools used at work. The theme of HWID’18 emphasizes the need for providing these experiences also when parts of the work are automated.
Examples of relevant questions include:
- Is automation making work less interesting or more engaging?
- How to improve work engagement by automation?
- How to share work optimally between humans and automation?
- How to maintain operator vigilance in highly automated environments?
- How to support situation and/or automation awareness?
- How to evaluate the impact of automation on work engagement?
This working conference aims to answer these questions to support professionals, academia, national labs, and industry engaged in human work analysis and interaction design for the workplace. We will discuss the tools, procedures, and professional competences needed for designing for and evaluating engaging automation in workplace contexts.
We invite two types of submissions:
- Full papers (max 15 pages, excluding references) and
- Poster submissions (max 4 pages, excluding references).
For both types of submissions, the authors must use the LNCS templates available from Springer ( Please submit your work in PDF format to EasyChair (
All accepted papers will be published in the working conference proceedings in the form of an electronic copy with ISBN and made available to the participants. During the review process, the reviewers are asked to evaluate whether the paper is suitable for a HWID’s Springer book (Springer-Verlag) that will be made available after the conference. We aim at most accepted full research papers to be included here, but also the possibility to have a very interesting perspective from industry or similar represented.
Conference web site:
General Chairs
Virpi Roto, Aalto University
Pedro Campos, Madeira-ITI, University of Madeira
Program Chairs
Barbara Rita Barricelli, Università degli Studi di Milano
Arminda Lopes, Madeira-ITI
Torkil Clemmensen, Copenhagen Business School
Posters Chairs
Frederica Gonçalves, Madeira-ITI, University of Madeira
Jose Abdelnour-Nocera, University of West London
Social Chair
Yiying Wu, Aalto University
Sponsorship Chair
Hannu Karvonen, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd
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