Call: Haptic Technologies for Healthcare – Workshop at Eurohaptics 2018

Call for Papers

Haptic Technologies for Healthcare is a one-day workshop to be held as part of the Eurohaptics 2018 conference.

It will be held on Wednesday, June 13, 2018 in Pisa, Italy.


Deadline for extended abstracts: April 30th, 2018

About the workshop:

Recent technologies allow for novel classes of wearable and holdable devices that make use of forms of haptic communication and interaction that go beyond elementary uses such as simply attracting attention. This can give rise to an expanded design space that raises many research issues, as this workshop will explore.

The goal of this workshop is to spark interest in the topic of haptic technologies for healthcare, with a specific focus on using haptic technologies for assisting, enhancing and extending current practices, both in the hospital and home setting.

The workshop is open to students, researchers, engineers, clinical and rehabilitation practitioners, and industry experts interested in research issues raised by novel or complex haptic interactions for wearable and holdable devices for healthcare. We will provide ample opportunity for round-table discussions where speakers and workshop participants will be encouraged to propose questions, identify issues and raise challenges for designers and researchers.

Participants are asked to submit a four-page extended abstract by April 30th, 2018 (see Submissions page of the website for details).

Extended abstracts may describe ongoing work, recent results, case studies, techniques or novel approaches related to the workshop topic.

Demonstrations and presentations of prototypes are strongly encouraged.


Mr Theodoros Georgiou, The Open University
Dr Simon Holland, The Open University
Prof. Janet van der Linden, The Open University


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