Call: User Modeling for Personalized Interaction with Music – Special issue of UMUAI

[Presence isn’t mentioned here but could be usefully applied in this topic area.  –Matthew]

Call for Papers

User Modeling for Personalized Interaction with Music
Special Issue of User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction: The Journal of Personalization Research (UMUAI)
Flyer (PDF)

Submission deadline for extended abstracts: June 1, 2018
Submission deadline for full papers (for accepted abstracts): July 31, 2018


Music search, retrieval, and recommendation systems have experienced a boom during the past few years due to streaming services providing access to huge catalogs anywhere and anytime. These streaming services collect the user behavior in terms of actions on music items, such as play, skip, playlist creation and modification. As a result, an abundance of user and usage data has been collected and is available to companies and academics, allowing for user profiling and to create personalized music search and recommendation systems. The importance and timeliness of research on such personalized music systems is evidenced by publications in venues including RecSys, UMAP, ISMIR, CHI, and IUI, as well as in journals including IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing and ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology.

On the other hand, there are still plenty of unsolved challenges. In particular, scholars have identified as some of the most vital ones: user understanding and modeling, personalization of recommendation and retrieval systems, user adaptivity in interfaces, and context-awareness.

With this Special Issue, we intend to establish a high-impact forum for latest research on user modeling and personalization for finding, making, and interacting with music. We invite researchers from both academia and industry to submit their original excellent research on these topics.


The following represents a non-exhaustive list of topics. We solicit manuscripts covering all aspects of user modeling for adaptive and personalized music algorithms and applications, in particular for music search and recommendation. These include, but are not limited to the following general categories: models of music consumption, algorithms for personalization and recommendation, interfaces and interaction, and evaluation.

Example topics belonging to one or more of these categories include the following:

  • multi-modal modeling of music items, users, and context
  • personalized preference elicitation and preference learning (such as multi-modal acquisition of user feedback and interaction data)
  • psychological modeling of music listeners (personality, emotion, etc.)
  • social aspects in listening behavior (e.g., for group recommenders)
  • cultural aspects in modeling music listeners (language, values, beliefs, etc.)
  • exploitation vs. exploration: diversity, novelty, serendipity in applications
  • personalized playlist generation and continuation
  • personalized music creation applications
  • personalized music education applications
  • personalized gamification in music interfaces
  • novel personalized visualization paradigms
  • conversational music search systems
  • personalization of live music experiences
  • studies on individual and social music listening consumption behavior
  • studies on perception of music and perceptual music similarity
  • novel evaluation methods for music retrieval and recommender systems
  • datasets for personalizing music retrieval and recommendation (together with baseline results and use cases)

If you are unsure whether your topics fits, please contact the guest editors (see below).


Deadline for extended abstracts:  June 1, 2018
Notification about extended abstracts:  June 15, 2018
Deadline for full manuscript submission:  July 31, 2018
Notification 1st cycle:  October 8, 2018
Deadline for revised manuscripts:  November 25, 2018
Notification 2nd and final cycle:  January 13, 2019
Deadline for camera-ready manuscripts:  March 3, 2019


Authors must submit an extended abstract via EasyChair by the deadline indicated above. It must be at most 3 pages long, not counting references, and formatted according to the journal template. The guest editors of the special issue will then screen all submitted extended abstracts and will invite authors of submissions that pass this screening to submit a full manuscript to be submitted via the journal’s submission system.


Markus Schedl
Department of Computational Perception
Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria

Peter Knees
Faculty of Informatics
TU Wien, Austria

Marko Tkalčič
Faculty of Computer Science
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy


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