Call: Emotional Machines: Perspectives from Affective Computing and Emotional Human-Machine Interaction (Springer anthology)

[See also August 2017 call for conference submissions in ISPR Presence News. –Matthew]

Call for contributions to the anthology “Emotional Machines. Perspectives from Affective Computing and Emotional Human-Machine Interaction”

Accepted by Springer, Series Futures of Technology, Science and Society

Editors: Catrin Misselhorn and Maike Klein

Submission deadline of extended abstracts: 30 April 2018

Humans have emotions, machines do not. This seems to be a truism: Human beings are made of flesh and blood; they do not just act rationally but impulsively and emotionally. They make decisions, feel attracted to objects or subjects or repelled by them. They mourn others, are in a good mood or suffer from depression. But what about machines? At first glance machines and emotions seem to be at odds with each other. We program machines and they calculate without any emotions. However, if we take a closer look, things are not so clear: machines are today able to recognize and react to emotions, and according to their designers some even possess emotions.

Interdisciplinary research on emotions in machines has been divided until now in two branches of research which have so far been largely unrelated: affective computing and emotional human-machine interaction. By associating these two branches and by combining technological perspectives with the humanities and social sciences, we hope to provide a forum for research on machines that are supposed to be equipped with emotions and/or are capable of interacting emotionally with humans. In our edited volume “Emotional Machines”, we aim to reunite approaches from disciplines such as philosophy, computer science, engineering, psychology, sociology, design and the arts.

Papers can address questions related to the topic from various perspectives, for instance:

  • Can machines have emotions?
  • How do machines elicit emotions?
  • How do humans react to emotional machines?
  • Do we need emotional machines?
  • How to design an emotional machine?
  • How do people interact with emotional machines?
  • How do the arts approach this topic?
  • What purposes may emotional machines serve?
  • What is possible from a technical point of view?
  • Which ethical considerations are indispensable?

We invite extended abstracts (1000-1500 words) for papers to be submitted to  and

Submission deadline of extended abstracts: 30 April 2018.
Notification of acceptance by 31 May 2018.
Full papers will be due October 31, 2018.


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