Call: “Automated Driving: A Human-Centered Design Perspective” – iCom special issue

Call for Papers

SPECIAL ISSUE of iCom – Journal of Interactive Media (De Gruyter)
Automated Driving: A Human-Centered Design Perspective
Guest Editors: Andreas Riener, Alexander Mirnig

Submission deadline: June 15, 2018


Automotive user interfaces and automated vehicle technology pose several challenges to support all diverse facets of user needs. These range from inexperienced, thrill-seeking, young novice drivers to elderly drivers with a mostly opposite set of preferences together with their natural limitations.

Implementation-wise, the automotive industry is currently focusing on pushing in-vehicle technology towards fully automated driving, with tech companies joining these efforts to raise the technology to the readiness level as quickly as possible. Consequently, commercial research toward automated driving systems (ADS) is mainly focusing on an innovation-driven and technology-centered perspective, frequently focusing on just novelty-related factors. Aspects such as user experience, acceptance and trust are often neglected or reduced to a secondary status and, thus, underresearched. However, this human factor is critical for a comprehensive and long term establishment of ADS technology on both the market and within society. Therefore, it is of utmost important to understand all the factors in the (context of automation) that have an impact on the overall experience (UX) of and within an automated vehicle. This includes operators of automated vehicles, vehicle passengers, and any other traffic participants affected by automated vehicles. We believe that there is an absolute need to focus on a human-centered design (HCD) perspective to raise ADS innovation to the next level and, thus, to achieve wide acceptance in society that is justified by an appropriately sophisticated technology.


The aim of this special issue is, thus, to discuss special requirements of user centered design applied to automated driving (referring to SAE automation levels 3 and above) to solve essential challenges and identify opportunities. To emphasize the need for a human-centered perspective on automated driving, we invite AutomotiveUI, CHI, and “Human Factors” researchers and practitioners working in the field to submit their research findings to this iCom special issue.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Designing user experience for automated driving
  • Implications of human centered design for automated driving systems?
  • Specific challenges of different levels of ADS on user centered design
  • Application of user centered design approaches from other domains to automated driving
  • Acceptance criteria for (automated) driving systems on both individual (driver) and societal levels
  • Ergonomic aspects in highly automated driving
  • Natural user interfaces in the automotive context
  • Futuristic concepts of shared control, vehicle interior, & in-vehicle non-driving-related (NDR) activities
  • Interface concepts that address the transition from manual to fully automated driving
  • Hedonic and pragmatic qualities of driving experiences
  • Methods for enabling and quantifying trust-in-automation
  • Methods to foster driving pleasure and concepts for in-vehicle gaming
  • Requirements for automated driving systems based on personality, age, gender, culture, or other human-centered parameters
  • Personalization of vehicle behavior and interfaces
  • Driving simulator studies in the broader context of automated driving, including combinations of different automation levels and involvement of non-drivers
  • User studies addressing automated driving within FOT/NDS


Typical iCom articles are 9000 to 15000 words long (excluding figures or tables). For more information on suitability or length contact one of the guest editors. Submission format is open, but it is recommended to use the templates available at (Accepted articles will be typesetted by the publisher). Articles should be submitted online via

Articles will be selected based on scientific rigor, originality, novelty, and presentation quality. By submitting a paper to this special issue, the authors guarantee that their paper is not currently submitted or accepted for publication elsewhere. Please consider the iCom author guidelines at when preparing your submission.


  • Manuscript submission deadline: June 15, 2018
  • Final revisions: Autumn 2018
  • Planned publication: iCom issues 1 or 2, 2019


Please feel free to contact the guest editors at any time.

Andreas Riener, Prof. for Human-Machine Interface and Virtual Reality,
Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI), Germany.
Phone: +49 (0) 841 / 9348-2833

Alexander Mirnig, Research Fellow Automotive Interfaces and HCI,
Center for Human-Computer Interaction, University of Salzburg, Austria.
Phone: +43 (0) 662 / 8044 4834


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