Call: Symposium – Games For Mental Health in the LowLands

Call for Papers

Symposium – Games For Mental Health in the LowLands

WHAT: Oral and poster presentations on games for the assessment, training and treatment of mental health.
WHEN & WHERE: 26th February 2018, Leuven (Belgium)
DEADLINE for registration and submission: February 9th, 2018
NOTIFICATIONS of admission: February 15th; 2018


The objective of this symposium is to gather young researchers, active in the domain of game-based applications for the assessment, training, and treatment of mental health (GM4H). The symposium gives young G4MH researchers the opportunity to present their work and to meet other young researchers working in the same field. Ultimately, the aim of this symposiums is to promote the development of a supportive community of young researchers and to foster the spirit of concerted research.


The symposium is open to all young researchers (PhDs, Postdoc, master students).  The format includes a poster session and oral presentations.

There is no registration fee, but all participants (also those not presenting or providing a poster) are required to register.


Researchers who want to take part in the oral presentations or poster sessions are asked to submit an abstract. The abstract should contain no more than 1000 words and provide a summary of the research to be presented at the symposium. The work does not need to be original, i.e. we accept content of submissions that (partly) may have been published elsewhere already, as the focus of this symposium is on sharing information and constructive feedback. Also, the presentation of research proposals is welcome. A concise, yet informative title for the presentation and a 100-words summary should also be provided. Alongside the abstract, researchers can upload additional materials. Researchers will also be asked to classify their work according to the stage of the mental health issue (e.g. monitoring, detection, treatment or rehabilitation) along with the mental health topic (e.g. anxiety, depression, eating disorders, mood disorders,  substance abuse, psychotic disorders, neurodevelopmental disorders, ADHD, ASD, MCI, dementia, etc.). Finally, all participants are invited to submit specific questions or topics they would like to see addressed during the panel session. The poster session will be held during lunch and consist of an informal information exchange.


All submissions will be accessible via the website and will be included in the symposium’s printed proceedings. Deadlines for submission/registration is February 9th.


The symposium will be held in Leuven (Belgium), 26 February 2018 from 9:30 to 17:00.


For more information and registration, visit


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