Call for Papers: The 11th ACM PETRA Conference
June 26-29, 2018
Corfu, Greece
Submission deadline: January 23, 2018
The 11th PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments (PETRA) conference is a highly interdisciplinary conference that focuses on computational and engineering approaches to improve the quality of life and enhance human performance in a wide range of settings, in the workplace, at home, in public spaces, urban environments, and other. Outcomes of this conference have a broad impact in application areas that include, manufacturing, transportation, healthcare, energy systems, security and safety, robotics, biomedicine, environment and conservation, and many others. Please visit for more information.
January 23, 2018: Full/Short/Poster Papers [EXTENDED]
January 23, 2018: Doctoral Consortium Applications [EXTENDED]
March 02, 2018: Workshop Papers
- Accessibility and the Smart City: Technological Challenges and Open Accessibility Issues
- DAEM2: The 2nd International Workshop on Designing Assistive Environments for Manufacturing
- NOTION: Human Behaviour Monitoring, Interpretation and Understanding
- PEARL: Patient data acquisition, analysis, profiling and personalized care plan
- RobAssist: Robotic Assistive Systems for People with Disabilities
- Social Robots: A Workshop on the Past, the Present and the Future of Digital Companions
- Smart Cities: Enhancing Citizens’ life and activities
Industrial Workshops:
- Supporting the Development of Assistive Systems for Older People
- Industrial Perspectives on Assistive Systems for Manual Assembly Tasks
PETRA TOPICS OF INTEREST include, but are not limited to:
- Big Data Management
- Data Privacy and Remote Health Monitoring
- Games for Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation
- User Interface Design and Usability
- Reasoning Systems and Machine Learning
- Affective Computing
- Human-Robot Interaction and Haptics
- Human-Centered Computing
- Gesture and Motion Tracking
- Cognitive Modeling
- Wearable Computing and Devices
- Sensor networks for pervasive health care
- Mobile and wireless technologies
- Healthcare privacy and data security
- Smart rehabilitation systems
- Game design for cognitive assessment and social interaction
- Behavior monitoring systems
- Computer vision in healthcare
- Virtual and augmented reality environments ▪ Ambient assisted living
- Navigation systems
- Collaboration and data sharing
- Drug delivery evaluation
- Vocational safety and health monitoring
- Telemedicine and biotechnology
- Technologies for senior living
- Social impact of pervasive technologies
- Intelligent assistive environments
- Technologies for improving quality of daily living
- Robotics in rehabilitation and tele-rehabilitation
- Design for smart wheelchairs and smart canes
- Smart Cities of the Future
- Assistive Technologies for Urban Environments
- Disability computing: Smart systems for persons with visual and/or hearing issues, and prostheses
- Technologies to provide assessment and intervention for Stroke, spinal cord injury, etc
Please feel free to contact us at or visit for more information.
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