Call For Papers: HRI 2018 Workshop on Robots for Learning (R4L) – Inclusive Learning
March 5, 2018, Chicago, IL, USA
Submission deadline: January 31, 2018
Acceptance notification: February 7, 2018
Workshop event: March 5, 2018
In recent years, research in Human-Robot Interaction has increasingly attracted interest from the field of education in particular. However, this interest is not new: the logo turtle entered schools nearly 40 years ago. Over this period, robots have changed a lot: sequentially or eventually programmable, they also integrate a wide spectrum of sensors and actuators. Hence, new applications in educational contexts can now be envisioned.
The Robots for Learning (R4L) workshop is in its 4th series, and the focus of this edition is on inclusive learning. Robots as educational agents have been studied and deployed in various forms – as tools, mediators, tutors, and peers. In this workshop, we aim to discuss the approaches and challenges of developing these educational robots to be more inclusive, helping learners of different ages, backgrounds, genders, and learning abilities. Learners with difficulties often need more attention or personalised training. With this workshop, we aim to discuss recent advances in empirical and theoretical state-of-the-art research contributions on human-robot interaction in educational contexts on the following challenges: How to design robots to adapt to learners abilities? How to build long-term learning with robots? How can robots engage learners in playful learning activities? How can robots assist learners in multimodal learning scenarios?
We invite authors to report previous research, practice and interest in developing application in educational robotics. Researchers from HRI, robotics and educational backgrounds are invited to contribute. Papers will be reviewed for appropriateness and scientific and technical soundness. Priority will be given to papers which fit the theme of the call, which are complementary, and which offer a range of theoretical and cultural perspectives. The proceedings of the workshop will be made available on our website as well as
- Adaptive mechanisms for robot tutors, personalization and adaptation algorithms for tutoring interactions
- Design of autonomous systems for tutoring interactions
- Theories and methods for tutoring (pedagogical and language acquisition)
- Shared knowledge and knowledge modelling in HRI
- Human-robot collaborative learning
- Attachment and learning with a social robot (social and cognitive development)
- Engagement in educational human-robot interaction
- Human-robot relationship assessment
- Designing student models and assessing student’s learning
- Playful learning with a robot
- Human-robot creativity
- Kinesthetic and non-verbal communication in human-robot interaction
- Impact of embodiment on learning
- Technical innovation in learning or teaching robots
- Long term learning interactions, design and methodologies for repeated human-robot encounters
- Robots for learners with special needs and special abilities
- Education and re-training for adults
- Rehabilitation and re-education
- Privacy and ethical issues in robot tutoring applications
We invite contributions spanning the areas of education and robotics. We explicitly encourage the submission of papers describing work in progress, or containing preliminary results to discuss with the community. Submission papers should not exceed 4 pages (references excluded).
Template to be used:
The maximum file size is 2 MB. Submissions should be in PDF format through Easy Chair:
Wafa Johal, École Polytechnique Fédérale Lausanne, Switzerland
James Kennedy, Disney Research, Los Angeles, USA
Vicky Charisi, University College London, U.K.
Hae Won Park, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Ginevra Castellano, Uppsala University, Sweden
Pierre Dillenbourg, École Fédérale Polytechnique Lausanne, Switzerland
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