Special issue call for papers from Journal of Enabling Technologies
Design, technology and engineering for long term care
Submission deadline: 31st December 2017
The Journal of Enabling Technologies invite manuscripts for a themed edition focused on technology and its relationship to environmental design. The aim of this edition is to publish research papers and review articles which address recent advances in the design and use of enabling technologies used in aged care facilities such as residential and nursing homes, sheltered and very sheltered housing and other forms of supported living arrangement for older people. We are interested in papers addressing the role of technology in meeting physical care needs, rehabilitation, and providing support to people who may have impaired capacity through dementia or other neurological problems. These include papers which consider technology within building design and infrastructure, as well as technologies that augment care and support. The themed edition would be particularly interested in publishing papers that reflect user-centred design involving those whose views are less often heard. Original, high quality contributions that are unpublished and have not been submitted elsewhere are welcomed.
Contributions may focus on, but not necessarily be limited to, areas such as
- Enabling technology and architectural theory and construction
- Home modifications and technology
- Smart home technologies
- Sensor based networks
- e-health interventions for long term care
- rehabilitation technologies and orthotics
- assistive and telecare devices
- serious games and leisure in aged care
The guest editor will consider research from a variety of different empirical or theoretical perspectives and geographical locations.
Submissions to this journal are through the ScholarOne submission system: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/joet.
Guidance for authors can also be found here: http://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/products/journals/author_guidelines.htm?id=jet.
Please ensure that you select this special issue from the relevant drop down menu during the submission process.
SUBMISSION DEADLINE 31st December 2017.
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