Call: Chapters/Papers for book “Philosophy and Moving Image”
Submission deadline: November 13, 2017
Dear All,
A call for chapters/papers is open for a collective book on Philosophy and Moving Image. The book will be edited by Chris Rawls (Roger Williams University), Diana Neiva (University of Porto) and Steven S. Gouveia (University of Minho).
Confirmed contributors:
- Mary K. Bloodsworth-Lugo;
- Malcolm Turvey;
- Dina Mendonça;
- Noël Carroll;
- Tom McClelland;
- Chris Falzon;
- Paisley Livingston;
- Christopher Grau;
- Robert Sinnerbrink;
- Hunter Vaughan;
- David Davies;
- Deborah Knight;
- Trevor Ponech.
Topics and issues of interest include (but are not limited to):
- Classical and contemporary film theory (formalist, psychoanalytic, feminist, cognitive, structuralist, etc.);
- Definitions of cinema (essentialist – e.g. medium specificity – and nonessentialist);
- Philosophical themes in film (ethics, political philosophy, philosophy of mind, philosophy of religion, epistemology, etc.);
- Genre(s) (the issues on film genres, avant-garde, documentary, pornography, horror, drama, etc.);
- Specific films (interpretations, influences, presented philosophy, etc.);
- Sex and gender issues (feminist and queer film, the image of women in movies, etc.);
- Issues on narrative, spectatorship, authorship, etc.;
- Authors on philosophy and film (Arnheim, Carroll, Wartenberg, Mulvey, Bordwell, Deleuze, etc.);
- Cinema and other arts (film and music, film and photography, film and architecture, etc.);
- Filmmakers (Bergman, Tarkovsky, Chaplin, Eisenstein, Carpenter, Kubrick, etc.);
- Video games and other forms of digital media;
- Other issues and relations between philosophy and film.
We encourage people from various backgrounds to submit the proposal for we support a multidisciplinary dialogue. We also strongly encourage submissions any under-represented groups!
- Submission: full paper.
- Text: Times New Roman, size 12, 1,5 (spacing), justified.
- Title: in the beginning of the paper, in SMALL CAPS, bold, centered, size 14.
- The name of the author should be included under the title, on the right side, size 12. Along the name put a * to a footnote which must include the institution and other relevant information about the author.
- Before the main text you should include an abstract (max. 300 words) and up to 5 keywords, size 12.
- Notes should be numbered automatically placed after any punctuation mark (Ex. “cogito, ergo sum”,[1]) and should be included in the footnote (not in the end of the text).
- Word count: 5.000 – 10.000 words.
- Quotations up to 3 lines should appear in the text, between quotation marks (use high quotes) “cogito, ergo sum” (Descartes, 1671: 12), with the respective reference literature at the end of the quotation with the following format: Author, year: pp.
- Longer quotations (more than 3 lines) must be submitted retreated (2 tabulations) and size 11, followed by the respective reference in brackets in the following format: (Author, year: 145-55).
- Quotes within quotes, use « ».
- Article: LAST NAME, first name followed by (year), “Title” in name of journal, IV, n. 18, pp. 123-35.
Ex. TAYLOR, E. I. (2010), “William James and the humanistic implications of the neuroscience revolution: An outrageous hypothesis”, in Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 50(4), 410-429. - Book: LAST NAME, first name followed by (year), Title of the book, City: Publisher.
- DENNETT, Daniel (2013), Intuition Pumps, London: Penguin Books.
Please send the final version of your paper until November 13, 2017, to the following email address:
Steven S. Gouveia
Ph.D. Student (University of Minho)
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