Call: British Human Computer Interaction Conference (HCI 2018)


British Human Computer Interaction Conference (HCI 2018)
2-6 July, 2018, Belfast, Northern Ireland twitter: @HCI_2018

Due date for all paper submissions: 31 March, 2018

This is the 32nd Annual Conference of the British Human Computer Interaction Conference in association with the British Computer Society (ACM Proceedings). In 2018, it will be held in the atmospheric city centre of Belfast in Northern Ireland. (“Belfast, one of the top ten World Class conference locations” – Financial Times; See the Belfast video –

This leading HCI conference is well established and has been running for over 30 years attracting international researchers. This is a call for papers related to any topic in the HCI discipline. HCI is an exciting field, especially with the growth of user experience (UX) design, usable security, natural and intelligent user interfaces, interactive Internet of Things, chatbots, virtual and augmented realities and affective computing to name but a few of the emerging themes. Moreover, given the growth of human-data interaction, we also welcome papers related to data visualisation/visual analytics/interactive machine learning in the ambition for a thematic session on human-data interaction. This conference will be a good opportunity to network with international researchers, industry practitioners as well as both the British HCI community and the Irish HCI community.

The conference will feature excellent keynote speakers – see those already confirmed:

Professor Min Chen, University of Oxford, “The Value of Interaction in Data Intelligence”

Professor Ann Blandford, University College London, “Designing for SPECIal People: The Role of HCI in Delivering Digital Health Technologies that are Usable, Useful and Used” Professor Mike McTear, University of Granada/Ulster University, “Chatbots as A New Interface to Smart Devices: Issues and Challenges”

Professor Lynne Hall, University of Sunderland, “Rethinking User Experience Evaluation: From the Dull to the Sublime”

Professor Paul Mc Kevitt, Ulster University “Waiting for Human-Computer Empathy (HCE)…”


The conference accepts papers related to, but not necessarily limited to the following topics:

  • User experience research, usability testing and interaction design
  • Mobile, ubiquitous and pervasive computing
  • Technology adoption, trust, user engagement and retention
  • Cognitive science in human-computer interaction
  • Humanization of interactive technology
  • eHealth, digital healthcare studies and usability of medical devices
  • Affective computing, digital empathy, empathic design, positive computing and emotional aspects in human computer interaction
  • Human-data interaction and interactive machine learning
  • Ethnographic studies in human computer interaction
  • Human-robot interaction studies
  • Child-computer interaction studies
  • Cybersecurity and usable security
  • Ethical issues in computing and interactive technologies
  • Natural user interfaces such as gesture controlled interfaces
  • Intelligent, adaptive and personalised user interfaces
  • Conversational user interfaces and chatbots
  • Interactive Internet of Things and wearable technologies
  • Virtual and augmented reality
  • Eye tracking and psychophysiological studies
  • Creative interaction
  • Collaborative creativity and collaboration in interaction design teams
  • Visual analytics/information presentation and visualisation
  • Human/use error and reliability of interactive systems
  • Computer-supported cooperative work
  • Social Interaction and Online Social Media
  • Cyberpsychology and web science
  • Accessibility of digital technology and the web

We invite paper submissions to a number of categories:

FULL PAPERS (up to 10 pages excluding references): Will involve an oral presentation at main conference. These are papers that will feature as a presentation in the main conference, allowing presenters to expose their work to delegates.

POSITION PAPERS (2 to 4 pages excluding references): Will involve a poster or oral presentation at main conference. These are papers that make a statement, a reflection or a new paradigm or concept in human computer interaction. They may also include prospective or much needed studies, or indeed the ambition of a discipline or newly funded project.

WORK-IN-PROGRESS PAPERS (2 to 4 pages excluding references): Will involve a poster at main conference. These are papers that present projects that are work-in-progress, for example, early results.

DOCTORAL CONSORTIUM PAPERS (up to 6 pages excluding references): Will involve an oral presentation at the doctoral consortium. These papers will be presented at the doctoral consortium on Monday 2 July 2018.

WORKSHOP PAPERS (up to 4 pages excluding references): Will involve an oral presentation at a relevant workshop. These papers will be presented at a workshop on Tuesday 3 July 2018. Currently, there are 2 workshops – one workshop entitled Affective Computing and one workshop entitled Human Centered Design for Intelligent Environments. If you would like to organise a workshop then please email Dr Raymond Bond ( along with your workshop title and a short 200-300 word outline.

INTERACTIONS GALLERY PAPERS (2 to 4 pages excluding references): Will involve a demonstration of the prototype at the main conference. These papers involve a brief description of a prototype, an interactive technology or user interface that the author wishes to demonstrate during the break times at the main conference (4-6 July 2018). This allows for networking and feedback. If there are any specific requirements for your demonstration (e.g. power etc.) please inform the programme chairs and we can accommodate.

INDUSTRY TRACK (paper should be up to 2 pages excluding references): Will involve an oral presentation at the main conference. Authors will present their paper at the industry track which will take place on Thursday 5 July 2018. These papers are a maximum of 2 pages. These papers are primarily for practitioners working in industry.


All submissions need to use the Microsoft word eWiC template (the eWiC template can be downloaded online at the following URL: Your paper should then be submitted using EasyChair by clicking on the following URL: . You should submit a PDF and the source file of your paper (in .doc or .docx format [Microsoft word]). You are also required to upload a ‘License to Publish’ PDF which you can download here –

All submissions should be written in English. Submissions will be peer-reviewed. Accepted papers will be published in the proceedings in the ACM digital library and by the British Computer Society. As with previous years, we are looking for selected papers to be invited as extended papers for journals such as the Interacting with Computers Journal (5-year IF = 2.032, IF=1.4).


Due date for all paper submissions: 31 March 2018, 5pm (UK time)
Notification and feedback: 30 April 2018
Camera-ready versions submitted: 15 May 2018, 5pm (UK time)
Early bird conference registration deadline: 31 May 2018


Monday 2 July 2018: Doctoral consortium
Tuesday 3 July 2018: Workshops
Wednesday 4-6 July 2018: Main conference


The conference will take place at Church House, an awe inspiring building at the heart of Belfast city centre, and will be hosted by Ulster University. The venue is in close proximity to the historic Crown Bar, the Belfast City Hall and the Europa Hotel. Have you heard of C.S. Lewis (author), George Best (Footballer), Seamus Heaney (Poet), Rory McIlroy (Golfer), Liam Neeson (Actor), Geraldine Hughes (Actor), or maybe Lord Kelvin (physicist)? These are just a few of the well-known figures born in Northern Ireland. And did you know, the ‘Game of Thrones’ is filmed in Northern Ireland – why not take the tour? If you’re interested in ship building, you can visit the world’s largest Titanic attraction ( Belfast is well connected with 2 airports, and given the conference venue is located in the city centre, the attractions and facilities are within walking distance. See for more information.


Dr Raymond Bond (
Prof Maurice Mulvenna
Prof Jonathan Wallace
Dr Michaela Black


Please print and pin the following ‘Save the Date’ poster onto your notice boards 🙂


Thanks to our current sponsors: Visit Belfast, Belfast City Council, HeartSine Technologies, Ulster University, CoreSystems, Rapid7 and Interaction Design Foundation. If you would like to sponsor the conference then please get in touch –


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