Call: 2nd Workshop on Theory-Informed User Modeling for Tailoring And Personalizing Interfaces (HUMANIZE)

Call For Papers:
2nd Workshop on Theory-Informed User Modeling for Tailoring And Personalizing Interfaces (HUMANIZE)
March 11, 2018, Tokyo (Japan)

In conjunction with IUI 2018

Submission Deadline: 17th December


The HUMANIZE workshop aims to explore the interface between data-driven and theory-driven approaches for constructing intelligent/personalized user interfaces. Data-driven approaches for personalized user interfaces can rely on building models from observed and measured user interaction behavior that can predict future behavior from historic behavior. Theory-driven approaches rely on understanding of how certain psychological traits (e.g. personality, cognitive styles, interests) affect the experience/needs of the intended users.

The combination of these two approaches, model-driven and data-driven, provides an interesting research direction. Understanding what traits of a user influence how an interface can be best personalized to match their needs and experience can be captured in a formal user model. Through data mining of interaction data these formal models can be fit to the data and as a result interfaces can be personalized in an informed, grounded way.

Advances in combining formal user models with data mining can be and have been made in grossly two ways that complement each other. On the one hand this can be done by identifying formal user models that can be used to base personalization on (such as cognitive style). On the other hand this can be done by finding ways to infer these user models from data. These two ways complement each other can be combined in a theory-informed personalization.

The HUMANIZE workshop combines practical data mining methods and theoretical knowledge for personalization, providing a venue where researchers from different fields come together to share their thoughts and experiences. In addition, the workshop will allow for an exploration of future opportunities in hopes of identifying possible links between the algorithmic side of behavioral analysis and the theoretical understanding of users for personalization.


An non-exhaustive list of topics for this workshop is:

  • Identification of psychological traits that can be used as a formal user model for personalization (e.g., personality, level of domain knowledge, need for cognition, cognitive styles)
  • Data mining methods to infer user profiles in terms of identified formal user models (e.g., how to infer someone’s personality from their social media)
  • How (user) interfaces can be tailored to better match certain user psychological traits (e.g., altering the number of search results for users with a higher need for cognition, ordering of interface elements, using visual versus textual representations)
  • Of particular relevance are user studies that combine one or more of the above points


For this workshop we encourage three kinds of submissions:

  • Full papers (anonymized 8-10 pages*)
  • Short papers (anonymized up to 4-6 pages*)
  • White papers/Position Statements (anonymized up to 2-4 pages*)

* page count is excluding references

Submissions should follow the standard SigConf format. Use either the Microsoft Word template or the LaTeX template:


  • 17th December – Submission Deadline
  • 23rd January – Acceptance Notification
  • 6th February – Camera-ready of Accepted Papers
  • 11th March – Workshop


All submissions will undergo a peer-review process to ensure a high standard of quality. Referees will consider originality, significance, technical soundness, clarity of exposition, and relevance to the workshop’s topics. The reviewing process will be double-blind so submissions should be properly anonymized.

Research papers should be submitted electronically as a single PDF through the EasyChair conference submission system:

Accepted submissions will be included in the joint ACM IUI workshop proceedings published as a CEUR-WS volume. In order for accepted papers to be included, at least one author should be registered ( and attend the workshop.


Graus, Mark –
Human-Technology Interaction Group
Eindhoven University of Technology (NL)

Ferwerda, Bruce –
School of Engineering
Jönköping University (SE)

Tkalcic, Marko –
Faculty of Computer Science
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (IT)

Germanakos, Panagiotis –
UX, Mobile & Business Services
P&I Industry Cloud & Custom Development
Department of Computer Science
University of Cyprus (CY)


  • Ardissono, Liliana (University of Turin)
  • Belk, Marios (CognitiveUX)
  • Burke, Robin (DePaul University)
  • Cantador, Iván (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
  • Celli, Fabio (University of Trento)
  • Conati, Cristina (University of British Columbia)
  • Elahi, Mehdi (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano)
  • Ge, Mouzhi (Bundeswehr University Munich)
  • de Gemmis, Marco (University of Bari Aldo Moro)
  • Graf, Sabine (Athabasca University)
  • Herder, Eelco (Radboud University Nijmegen)
  • Kleanthous, Styliani (University of Cyprus)
  • Knees, Peter (Vienna University of Technology)
  • Kumar, Vikas (University of Minnesota)
  • Lee, Michael (New Jersey Institute of Technology)
  • Loepp, Benedikt (University of Duisburg-Essen)
  • Ludmann, Cornelius (University of Oldenburg)
  • Mobasher, Bamshad (DePaul University)
  • Musto, Cataldo (University of Bari Aldo Moro)
  • Skowron, Marcin (Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence)
  • Yang, Yi-Hsuan (Academia Sinica)
  • Zanker, Markus (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano)
  • Zheng, Yong (Illinois Institute of Technology)


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