Call: Body, Action and First-Person Thought for teorema special issue

Call for Papers

Special issue of teorema (International Journal of Philosophy)
Body, Action and First-Person Thought

Deadline for submissions: October 31st, 2017

Both neuroscience-based research on body representation and philosophical research on the constitutive conditions on first-person thought (i.e. thought involving the first-person concept) seem to point in the same direction: there are crucial links to be unveiled between body, action and first-person thought. On the one hand, the substantial amount of neurophysiological data available and patient studies suggest that body representation plays a necessary role in the production of physical action. On the other hand, philosophical reflection on the constitutive conditions on conceptual thought – and in particular, first-person thought – identify action, whether physical or mental action, as a constitutive element of first-person thought. However, how are body, action and first-person thought ultimately related? Is one’s body, for instance, a key element for the elucidation of first-person thought via the role of body representation in action? This call for papers invites contributors working from one or several of these areas of specialisation to submit interdisciplinary work that explores the intriguing connections that exist between these central notions of philosophical theorising.

Articles must be written in English and should not exceed 6,000 words. For the presentation of their articles, authors are requested to take into account the instructions available at: Submissions must be suitable for blind review. Both a DOC and a PDF document must be sent to the Editor by October 31st, 2017. Notification of intent to submit, including both a title and a summary of the content, will be greatly appreciated, as it will assist with the coordination and planning of the special issue.

Guest Editor for this issue will be Dr. Víctor M. Verdejo, Logos/ Universitat de Barcelona.

Contact details for queries and submissions:

Prof. Luis M. Valdés Villanueva
Editor of teorema

Deadline for submissions: October 31st, 2017.


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