Call for papers
PACMHCI Issue on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems
Submissions for Q4 due October 18, 2017
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (PACMHCI) is a new journal published by ACM featuring content on a broad range of research in the area of human-computer interaction. PACMHCI issues on Engineering Interactive Computing Systems contain articles covering the full range of aspects that come into play when “engineering” interactive systems, such as innovations in the design, development, deployment, verification and validation of interactive systems. Topics of interest include a.o. the design and development of systems incorporating new interaction techniques and multimodal interaction, multi-device interaction, mobile and pervasive systems, large-scale and big data applications, deployment of interactive systems, as well as novel development methods and processes.
Papers must present original and mature research work. High-quality, elaborated case studies and practice reports with generalizable findings will also be considered. Papers may be of any length, and will be reviewed by the PACMHCI-EICS Editorial Board and at least 2 external reviewers. When the reviews are available, authors have to chance to provide a rebuttal with clarifications and answers on the reviewer comments. Rebuttals and reviews will be discussed at a virtual PC meeting. Similar to a journal, authors will receive one of three possible decisions: reject, major revisions, or accept.
Issues of PACMHCI appear in the ACM Digital Library. Accepted papers will receive an invitation to present their work at the forthcoming EICS 2018 conference to take place in Paris, France on June 19-22.
PACMHCI on EICS features four deadlines quarterly during the year. More details on future iterations of the review process can be found at
Submissions are invited that advance the state of the art of the engineering of interactive systems. Topics include but are not limited to:
- Modelling and analysis of interaction and interactive systems
- processes for engineering interactive systems (e.g. design, implementation, prototyping, evaluation, verification and validation, testing)
- integrating interaction design into the software development process
- requirements engineering for interactive systems
- specification of interactive systems (methods, principles and tools)
- software architectures for interactive systems
- frameworks, toolkits, and APIs for interactive systems (e.g. API usability, interaction-driven API design)
- domain-specific languages for interactive systems
- formal methods within interactive systems engineering
- modelling and analysis of users’ activities
- engineering innovative interactive applications (e.g., adaptive, multimodal, tangible)
- engineering hardware/software integration in interactive systems (e.g. fabrication and maker processes, physical computing etc.)
- engineering user experience (e.g., fun, affective)
- engineering complex interactive systems (e.g., large datasets, large communities, enterprise systems, collaborative systems)
- certification issues of interactive systems
IMPORTANT DATES (Q4 Reviewing Round)
Submissions Due: October 18, 2017
Reviews Due: November 20
Meta-Reviews Due (Reviews sent out for rebuttal): November 27
Rebuttals Due From Authors: December 1
Final Decisions: December 13, 2017
UPCOMING REVIEWING ROUNDS (for guidance only, subject to change)
2018 Q1: Submission deadline January 10, 2018
2018 Q2: Submission deadline March 28, 2018
2018 Q3: Submission deadline July 18, 2018
Further information can be found on the web site:
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