Call: Chapters for “People, Personal Data and the Built Environment”

Call for Book Chapters

Springer Series in Adaptive Environments – ISSN 2522-5529
Book: People, Personal Data and the Built Environment

Dr Holger Schnädelbach, University of Nottingham
Prof David Kirk, Northumbria University

Deadline: 18 December 2017

Personal data is increasingly important in our lives. We use personal data to quantify our behaviour, through health apps or for ‘personal branding’ and we are also increasingly forced to part with our data to access services.

With a proliferation of embedded sensors, the built environment is playing a key role in this developing use of data, even though this remains relatively hidden. Buildings are sites for the capture of personal data, such as oyster card gateways or WIFI hotspots. This data is used to adapt buildings to people’s behaviour, for example when a card reader opens a door or occupancy changes the light levels in a building. Increasingly, organisations use this data to understand how buildings are occupied and how communities develop, and data supports design processes, when architects record requirements of their clients, and encode this in Building Information Models (BIM).

Emerging from the People, Personal Data and the Built Environment workshop at DIS18 conference ( ), this book in the Springer Series of Adaptive Environments will bring together a community of researchers and practitioners interested in personal informatics and the design of interactive buildings and spaces, with the aim to foster critical discussion on the future role of personal data in interactions with the built environment. Accepted workshop papers have been invited to submit their work as full book chapters.

We call for additional chapter submissions from the wider research & practice community.

Your book chapter might reflect upon the following (non-exclusive) list topics:

  • Internet of Things
  • Quantified self
  • Adaptive Environments
  • Technological retrofitting existing buildings
  • Social Computing in the community
  • Autonomous vehicles
  • Smart services in the built environment
  • Shared digital and physical resources
  • Living and working in the digital age
  • Legible and accessible uses of personal data
  • Privacy in a shared spatial context
  • Design processes and BIM
  • Open Data Access
  • Community live and digital technology

We are looking for chapters of between 7000-9000 words. Chapter guidelines can be found here:

With your submission, you agree to review two of the chapters submitted by other chapter authors.

The deadline for submission of your chapter is 18th of December 2017.

Reviews will be due mid-February and a decision/feedback returned to authors mid-March. We might draw on external reviewers, where necessary. Final revisions to papers will then be due end of April. Exact dates are still to be confirmed.

We are aiming for approximately 12 chapters and for publication in the second half of 2018.

Please contact us with any questions that you might have at: or


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