Call for Workshop Participation
Bringing Together Interactive Digital Storytelling with Tangible Interaction: Challenges and Opportunities
To be held within the International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (ICIDS 2017;
14th November, Madeira, Portugal
Abstract submission deadline: September 20th
The workshop aims to explore challenges and potential opportunities in bringing interactive digital storytelling into the realm of tangible and embodied interaction. Experts from both fields are invited to present and discuss their ideas. Besides fostering discussion and potential collaborations, the goal is to come up with new and suitable computational storytelling models and define design guidelines/strategies. We are especially interested in exploring open questions, such as:
- How can we bring digital interactive storytelling and storytelling with tangible objects together?
- How can we effectively include autonomous and intelligent tangible characters (e.g. small robots or active tangibles) when designing storytelling settings?
- How can we embed computational models (typically working in virtual environments) into tangible interfaces?
- Which are the advantages and current limitations of existing systems?
Topics of special interest that would positively feed the development of the workshop are, for example:
- Tangible interaction and interfaces for storytelling systems
- Storytelling with intelligent embodied characters (e.g. robots, hybrid agents, etc.)
- Tangible autonomous characters
- Computational intelligence applied to storytelling with physical interfaces
- Other forms of relevant and novel tangible expression for interactive storytelling
Plans for prospective publication as an outcome of the workshop contributions will be announced in the workshop. Find out more about the topics and how to participate at:
- September, 20th: abstract submission (1/2 page; max. 500 words)
- September, 28th: notification of abstract acceptance
- October, 15th: submission of position papers (1-3 pages in the Springer LNCS format)
- November 14th: Workshop at ICIDS
Do not hesitate to contact the organizers for further information:
Alejandro Catalá (a.catala at, Human Media Interaction, University of Twente, The Netherlands
Mariët Theune (m.theune at, Human Media Interaction, University of Twente, The Netherlands
Cristina Sylla (sylla at, Center for Child Studies/engageLab, University of Minho, Portugal
Pedro Ribeiro (Pedro.Ribeiro at, Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences, Germany
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