Job: Full Research Assistant position in Social Cognitive Systems at University of Bielefeld

Full Research Assistant position for 3 years (further extension possible)

The Social Cognitive Systems Group (led by Prof. Stefan Kopp)
Cognitive Interaction Technology (CITEC)
Bielefeld University, Germany

Application deadline: July 19, 2017

Salary is according to German TVL-E13 scale, which is around 3500 EUR per month before taxes (depending on age, experience, family status).

The successful candidate is highly motivated to contribute to the group’s research and teaching in the field of responsive interactive cognitive systems like virtual agents and/or social robots. The group is part of the Center of Excellence in “Cognitive Interaction Technology” (CITEC) at Bielefeld University and runs several cutting-edge research projects funded by EU, DFG, or BMBF (federal ministry of eduction and research). For more information see:

In particular, we are seeking candidates with a strong background and/or interest in

  • realtime architectures for embodied interactive systems and conversational agents
  • social behavior generation and animation
  • cognitive systems and machine learning

Good command of the English language, programming skills and a solid knowledge of math is required. Teaching at undergraduate and graduate level is mandatory. The successful candidate is encouraged to publish scientific papers and to work towards a successful scientific qualification (PhD).

For more information, please contact:
Stefan Kopp (Tel: +49 521 1062921,


CITEC provides an excellent research environment, modern facilities, and a culture of interdisciplinary cooperation and communication. It is a large-scale research center for intelligent systems and cognitive interaction between humans and technical systems. It greatly contributes to the status of Bielefeld University as one of the premier locations for studying intelligent interactive systems.

Bielefeld is one of the 20 largest cities in Germany (population >320.000) and a lively place with a lot of cultural and entertainment opportunities. It is located in the center of Germany, surrounded by beautiful forests offering many possibilities for recreational outdoor activities. Bielefeld is directly connected to Germany’s high-speed rail system, and many of Germany’s metropolitan areas can be reached easily.


Applications should include (1) a cover letter expressing the motivation of the applicant, stating research interests and highlighting expertise in the areas mentioned above, (2) Curriculum Vitae, (3) copy of university marks (grade list), (4) if applicable names and contact details of two references.

Applications should be sent by email to Stefan Kopp (, preferably as a *single* PDF document including all materials.

We will consider applications until all positions have been filled. Applications arriving no later than July 19, 2017 will receive full consideration.

We welcome applications from severely handicapped people. We particularly welcome applications from women. Given equal suitability, qualifications and professional achievement, women will be given preference, unless particular circumstances pertaining to a male applicant predominate.


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