Call: Ethics for New and Emerging Technologies: From Moral Intuitions to Ethical Theories

Call for Papers

Ethics for New and Emerging Technologies. From moral intuitions to ethical theories
Annals of the University of Bucharest – Philosophy Series

Submission deadline extended to 9th of July 2017

We invite paper submission for a special issue of the Annals of the University of Bucharest – Philosophy Series, to be published in the second part of 2017. The editors of this special issue are Julian Savulescu (University of Oxford) and Constantin Vică (University of Bucharest). The issue is entitled Ethics for New and Emerging Technologies. From moral intuitions to ethical theories.

It is often contended that our moral intuitions and dispositions dictate responses to new and emerging technologies. At the same time, there is a growing body of empirical findings that point out to the systematic errors of our moral intuitions. As a consequence, the methodology of moral reasoning and the reliability of our moral intuitions as solutions to ethical problems must come under scrutiny. This issue focuses on, but is not limited to, three fields of technological innovation which have generated intense controversy in the last decade: information and data technologies, neuro- and bio-enhancement, and robotic embedded Artificial Intelligence.

The special issue aims at addressing (not exclusively) some of the following questions:

  1. How can we deal with various and conflicting moral intuitions about new and emerging technologies? Is there a (principled) way to discriminate between them?
  2. Is it possible to select reliable moral intuitions? On what criteria do we assess reliability?
  3. Could our evolved moral intuitions about privacy, authenticity, security, ownership, and cooperation be a good starting point in generating satisfactory moral judgments under the radically new conditions of a highly technological world?
  4. Framing effects, biases, and the shift in external conditions of heuristics lead to systematic judgment errors. On the other hand, human practices are outlined by them. How could we escape from this conundrum?
  5. Are classical ethical theories, from virtue theory to utilitarianism and deontologism, still able to take into account the particularity of moral questions concerning emerging technologies?
  6. Could moral imagination exceed the limits of moral intuitions in designing valuable new technologies?
  7. Do we need new normative frameworks for emerging technologies? How should such frameworks inform public policies and governance of technologies?

These themes are only indicative and do not limit the scope of the expected research papers. We encourage submission based on experiments and empirical research. Theoretical and conceptual positions are also welcome.


Please submit papers within a range of 6000 to 8000 words, including footnotes and references (including author’s name, institutional affiliation, and email address). Manuscripts will be written in English only. Papers should have an abstract and five to eight key-words.

Manuscript should be submitted to the editors at and, having as subject “Ethics for New and Emerging Technologies submission”.

Annals of the University of Bucharest – Philosophy Series is one of the oldest philosophical research journals published in Central and Eastern Europe since 1960. It is an open access double blind peer review journal currently indexed by EBSCOhost, Philosopher’s Index with Full Text, ERIH PLUS and CEEOL. For submission please follow these guidelines:


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